

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Natural printed garments of knots "結結實實"的植物印染成衣

How many natural prints, contact prints, eco prints fabrics I have made? I have no idea but not less than 100 yards since I ever encountered this amazing fabric arts. All those fabrics of course not all up to my expectation.   Oh no, I can't say "expectation" as we can not expect too much the outcome of this sort of natural prints.   We should appreciate the natural outcome and enjoy the process.   I have made some nuno felting with those fabrics and lots gave away to friends or sold.   I have a good record for all my experiments and teaching of natural prints / dyes.  My pdf eco-prints tutorial since listed in ETSY four months  have sold numerous copies, that's very encouraging.  I have to say the money earned is just good for me to buy more fabrics for experiments and good for my travels to learn more and chances for interaction overseas.

Here's a series of garments made with my natural prints, simply sewed and tied knots.

 Casaurina and camellia printed in Israel on silk jersey  (before & after images)
 Sewed with another natural printed chiffon with neckline and arm holes.  Width from left to right is 42", that's the width of fabric.  Just sewed the shoulder and waist lines without cutting a scrap.
 Back prints of chiffon with onion skins dyed in turmeric bath for an hour.
 Simply a free size blouse with a few straight lines sewed
 Back of the printed chiffon is a bit longer so I sewed with little folds on both waist. 
 Front of silk jersey drapes well and the back of chiffon drapes lightly
 Tie a knot on one waist bottom
                                                     Front and back

 Style of two knots
Make it a wrap or scarf from the blouse
That's the multi-styled blouse / scarf / wrap

Another garment, the loose pants made with assorted testing prints 

 A simple free size pant with a few panels all sewed together without measurement,
 without cutting a scrap, just tie the knots on both bottoms, that's it.

                                    My set of loose garment this summer.

I am not good in fashion design and wish to explore the alchemy of botanical prints.  That's why I wanted to learn from brilliant artists Irit Dulman and Revital Avidar for another level of garments from nature in the coming days.

Thank you for those who have bought my pdf natural prints tutorial.  Anyone who likes to view the link, here it is.


  1. WOW! These are great garments. Thanks for sharing and offering such great inspirations!

  2. Those garments have turned out beautifully!

    1. Thank you Rachel. Simply light garments in our hot summer.

  3. Thanks for the ideas, i am not good in garment sewing either. I booked a workshop with Irit in september in Holland, so exciting. I am looking forward to readyour stories about the workshop in Spain.

    1. We're too good to have the chances learning from Irit. Sure will share the stories in Spain in mid May.

  4. Beautiful garments, especially the knotted top.

    1. Thank you Pam. As not a good fashion maker that's the way to have styles.

  5. Amazing, Terrie, and well done on the success of your etsy tutorial. You have such talent!
