

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Botanical imprints tutorial listed 植物印染教材

I've been asking to write tutorial about my botanical imprints. At times I received queries about my print works and interested to learn by any means. I've finally compiled my works with one of my ways of making and now listed on my  ETSY TerLing Creations
 The pdf file can be instantly downloaded. A file of 21 pages with more than 100 images.  I show from basic to delicate layout printings. Tutorial with easy mordants making.  I use only iron and alum which are easy to make shades of prints.  Follow my steps of making, such method can be applied on wool, silk, cotton and linen. 
I've also included the outcome of my interaction and teaching done in N.A. Europe and Asia.  You'll see the various prints on different fabrics in different regions.
I'm delighted that the product just listed this morning, I already got a customer from Russia.
一直有人問我植物印染的製作, 有要求教學或網上教授, 最終我抽閒製作了pdf 教材, 並且在我的網上店  ETSY TerLing Creations 可以即時下載. 一份21頁內含近百圖片簡易而詳盡 的介紹我其中一個製作過程, 按步驟可印出不同效果個人獨特的植物印染作品.
Below are some shots of my pdf tutorial. They're already tempting for a trial.

 The pdf file of 21 pages with clear wording instruction

 My detailed method of making

 Samples done in Canada

 Prints done in Israel with the local wild flowers

 My prints in Hong Kong

 Prints done in Italy

 My cat Mogi's involvement and contribution..........
 ........making the fabulous prints tutorial

 The tutorial compiled my works done overseas is also a keepsake for myself -  for the good memories with friends and students.  This printing just done in Taiwan, so fresh and framed.
Love botanical imprinting - the unique and natural artwork !


  1. That fabric print turned out beautifully!

    1. Thank you Rachel. Nature is of beauty and we can keep it long on fabrics.

  2. Looks like you have done your usual fine job in compiling the tutorial..!! full of color, info, and bit of the kitty!

    1. Thank you Ginny. It's a job compiling my works these years. Wish to share with like-minded people the passion.

  3. fabulous...I just ordered the pdf!

    1. Thank you Marsha. You'll find it interesting and make unique prints from nature.
