

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Blue from the dye pot 藍染玩意

My arrival in Taiwan is supposed to teach botanical imprints. Before the tuleage to a student in the coming weekend in Taipei, my host Meg in Taichung was so nice to introduce me to her friend Ma-Li Chi, renowned artist of dyeing and weaving. In her studio we're offered to experiment indigo dye. It's a bonus to my travel and was so happy to play around blue. The studio is located in a village with nice and spacious views.
來到台灣主要目的是前往台北的植物移印染教學,課堂未開始前專程到台中探望Meg,她很熱情的招待我並帶我參觀她朋友 - 台灣纖維藝術家賈瑪莉的藍染工坊,我們還有機會玩玩,染指藍藍創作曡石、花兒、如河流的流動、似天上浮雲.......很有趣味的做了兩件多樣紋理綿麻巾,我們還會在明天嘗試植物移印染加藍染的變化,這個體驗工作坊是此行的額外而又豐富的安排。

In the studio there're lots of pretty crafty displays of natural colours 

Indigo dyes among the most. They're so beautiful tones.

Such beautiful dye vat - reflection of trees like skies 
Playing with the mighty hands.......
This small piece to be opened
My big one to show a few tying outcomes
The cotton piece looks like fish scales or stacked stones
The cloudy look is so soft
I am delighted to play with the indigo dye and scheduled the day after to do the combined botanical imprints with indigo dye in the same studio. 
Meg's pieces are so pretty. We're expecting the next experiment. 


  1. I also love indigo dyeing. The piece on the right in the last picture is my favorite.

    1. It's fun to play with indigo dye from light to bold.

  2. What a great series of experiments!

    1. I really enjoy the chances of learning and teaching.

  3. How exciting when you open the bundles! Lots of fun there!

    1. Truly like opening a present but we printers stay open for whatever it is.
