

Friday, October 23, 2015

Wool felt boots of styles 羊毛氈靴子製作

After the workshop in Cyprus by Natalya Brashovetska, I back home practiced the techniques learnt. A pair of fold-down collar boots was made. 
從小兒科到大孩子的靴子製作, 不一樣的做法, 不一樣的款式多得 Natalya Brashovetska 的獨特而專業的教授.
 The boots of styles with fold down and fringes 

 It's made with wool from Austrian mountain sheep and Wensleydale freece as well mulberry silk for the fringes decoration
 Quite a few steps to make the boots but with the tools and nice set up I managed to make the pair comfortably

 Shoe last to shape it ........
 ....then hand stitched shoe soles
 The professional way to make the boots with Italy design shoe soles
 My stylish boots for the upcoming winter

 Before I only made the slippers for babies. Now I can make the professional boots.  Thanks to Natalya Brashovetska.
I'm delighted to learn the making of wool felt boots from scratch to finish. The making is challenging but sense of satisfaction.


  1. They look lovely and cosy and warm

  2. You are now so proficient in many felting and hand made wearable art pieces. Well done Terriea! They are absolutely gorgeous.

    1. Thanks June. I keen on trying new things and the versatility of wool never cease me.

  3. how quick you make the class your own
    i mean you had a workshop a immediately you have the craft in your hands...you are very talented......

    1. I learnt the making of boots last month then I am home to make it immediately before I forgot the skills.
