

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Unforgettable days in Israel 以色列燦爛假期

Days in Israel continued in the north part. It's the week long Sukkot holiday, to avoid traffic my artist host Betty and I took the early train to The Old City of Akko. The city is 2-hour train ride from Tel Aviv. It's recognised as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Crusaders captured the city and the Ottomans lived here for centuries. We passed through the fascinating history the legancy left behind by its conquerors. The El-Jazzar Mosque, the ruins, the fortresses, the alleyways, the port and the colourful Arabrian surroundings are so impressive.

The remains and the ruins

Passing the history of alleyways......

Wall decoration of old and new....

The fishing net

The port and the Arabrian fishmen

Invite to have a seat?

The herbs and spices
The Underground Prisoners Museum 

Nowadays the cafe lined alley

What a marvellous construction!
Walk and walk.......
Time to feed...

Back to host home.  Betty prepared the wonderful dinner with family. During this week long Jewish Sukkot holiday, it's the tradition for families to set up a Sukka, a hut outlook to have meal inside.

Betty's two adorable grandkids and the family 

Thank you, my artist hosts Betty and Irit who made my great stay in Israel.

I've a fantastic trip in the Mediterranean Sea from Cyprus to Israel. I love the sea, the skies, the air and the people.

Will be back home brimming with my full bag of wonderful makes

Left my foot prints.....


  1. Left your footprints and came back overflowing with ideas!

    1. Thank you Rachel. This trip made me good ideas with lovely friends.

  2. Love seeing all your footprints and photos, Terriea!

    1. I'm delighted to meet our charming friends Irit and Betty. Nice catch up and got inspired.

  3. You look so elegant in your eco print harem-pants and wrap Terrie! Lovely photos x

    1. You're sweet Deborah! You're very observant and noted they're my eco prints. Thanks.

  4. What a awesome trip and great to see the pictures and people there!! Thank you for sharing and as always i love your felting creations!! ;-)
