

Friday, September 18, 2015

Into the Mediterranean cities 悠遊地中海

Last year in March I captured the bird over the Mediterranean Sea in Tel Aviv. In two days I'll be  flying as the seagull in between the Mediterranean cities - Larnaka, Cyprus and Tel Aviv, Israel.
  過兩天猶如海鷗的飛翔地中海, 塞浦路斯與以色列特拉維夫是此行目的地, 去年三月海灣平靜, 漫山野黃菊, 特愛黃花的移印染, 現在秋天花兒不再,  攜著那次在 Irit Dulman 
 Last time I'd a great time in Israel for the learning and meeting friends. 
 I spent some days in the beautiful promenade in Tel Aviv and good days in Galilee.
 The spring flowers camomille covered the field like a carpet was impressive.
 Such bold and strong eco prints .  I made a few pieces in Irit Dulman's workshop.
This knitted silk jersey I particular love most
The casaurina and the yellow camomille are simply good combination.  Some of the printed fabrics are now made into my wearable dresses and scarfs.
The eco printed and dyed clothing are to be packed for the upcoming trip. Dresses of silk jersey, cotton pants, blouses, vests, scarfs, cotton wraps, rust dyed nuno felt vest, wool wraps .....lining in the crispy breeze........

Mogi under the shade or safe guard my clothing?
Eco print fashion is now my way of dressing.  Almost every day I put on one piece since I wanted to test the color fast.

The set of cotton scarf and pant printed with assorted leaves as well the silk jersey printed in Israel last year are packed for the travel.
Mogi, "this pair is too small for you !"
Mum, " I know I know... I'm going to make a pair of boots for the chilling winter.

Gonna make a set of sturdy boots and handbag like this (photo credit from Natalya)

 That's why I fly all the way to Cyprus to learn from the renownedl Russian fashion designer,  Natalya Brashovetska and take the time back to Tel Aviv to meet my great friends again.
Show you my travels until next time......
我的網友說 "為自己的興趣做瘋狂的事", 我也是那麼熱切的老遠跑去塞浦路斯跟隨Natalya Brashovetska..........學習這創意無限的羊毛工藝, 也停留特拉維夫與友聚舊!


  1. How lucky you are to travel and learn new things. Enjoy !

    1. Thank you Baukje. Will share some pic of my learning later.

  2. Enjoy your travels and have fun learning. The cotton scarf you'll be taking is gorgeous.

    1. Thank you Pam. The cotton scarf is upcycling of something from my mother's stuff. Will post the making after my travel.

  3. Have a wonderful Med
    iterranean journey, Terriea!! I will look forward as always to seeing your pix and reading your travel stories. Will Mogi help Mum with the pink suitcase?? Looks like you may need to get a second pink box perhaps!! xx

    1. Thank you Ginny. The pink box is rolling out tonight to airport. Glad that you're interested in reading my travel. Thanks for keeping me spiritual company.
