

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Wrap up Shanghai workshops上海之行總結

My Shanghai workshops were brimming with creativity. Wool felt and eco print are not common in China.   We immersed in the ancient town for the contemporary creation. Other than the regular hours of teaching I grasped the early mornings to feel the tranquility .....
一星期在上海金澤古鎮的連串工藝工坊, 學生們全程投入創作, 我也把握早晚時刻往水鄉古鎮瀏覽, 在工坊做藍染, 做另類動物纖維創作. 時而逗逗貓兒, 在圖書館參閱, 偶爾想像自己沈醉在駐場藝術家的創作....... 想著想著...... 現實的一周完結, 留下足跡, 充實的回家了.
 Crossed the time-honored bridges from here to there.....

The painterly scenery of houses by the waterway

Washing by the bank

A bumper veggie harvest this summer
Except the normal sessions of wool felt and botanical imprints I offered, I also got my hands in the indigo dye pot. 
Jinze Arts Centre is well equipped and provides comprehensive range of facilities, incl weaving and textile art.  
At night I tried my botanical imprinted silk for the indigo blue
Soaked in the vat for a while
Took it out to oxidize for a while then soaked in again
Along with the other starch paste resisted indigo dyed cotton
So pretty indigo blue with patterns

Then the outstanding blue in the studio
Am I so welcome?  The kittens like to rub me and .....
.........visiting us after workshop.
After wool felt and fabric prints, I've special treat to students to make paper eco-prints.
Also the making of wool felt flower brooch.
The centre has a wealth archive over 5000 items of textile crafts and artifacts. We're showed some of them.
We're free to use the library with lots reference books.
I imagine at times I'm there for the artist-in-residence and bury myself in the studio for the creation of wool felt, nuno felt, eco print...... lots and lots......  Then a pretty model to show my wearable art along the river under the willow........
Jinze Art Centre do offer artist-in-residence programe.  Interested parties may contact the Centre directly.
 Well, back to reality, my one week stay in the town was quiet without distraction, no internet to the outside world, no blogging, no facebook. At night I've nothing to do, I made a few wool felt flower rings together with the paper prints as souvenirs for my students.
  I indulged in my creation.  This set I love a lot. The colorful "coblestone" texture is from the fabric prints made there and the vessel is from a kind of animal. Guess what it is of.

The last day, strolling on the stone alley for the last glimpse of the village
Farewell to the stunning water town......
Flown back to my fascinating town Hong Kong


  1. A wonderful week, but it's good to be coming home again...

  2. Oh how pretty that indigo blue. Blue is my very favorite color. I have always loved books. I imagine you found several interesting. The bridges of that town are amazing. I bet they are very old.
    (((HUGS))) Susanne :)

    1. Susanne, yes, in the ancient town Jinze the bridges are quite historic for more than 1000 years. I'm not sure but the town is 1300 years old. Everything there is new to me and interesting.
