

Thursday, July 9, 2015

DIY art journal with natural prints 手作小本子

The art journal I made with nuno felt cover........
以羊羊混絲及植物印染的藝術小本是我特別喜愛的手作,每一次都是獨一無二,尤其內頁的植物印染不能重複,當我完成了,捧在手上,很有滿足感,要是送岀去也想收件人懂得珍愛,今日就寄出遠在北歐的一位幸運兒 Christina,她在我的Facebook 專頁答對問題。希望這羊毛書皮小手本帶給溫暖!

..........with botanical imprints and blank pages. The art journal is more than 100 pages for writing. 

The purple nuno felt cover is the main part of the art journal. It's the silk chiffon scrap I wrapped with a little logwood chips to boil with alum for a purple dye bath for other fabrics dyeing. Each time I make the purple dye bath in this way, so a few scraps saved and always wanted to make use of every bit.

Base of the cover is Finnish wool and textural surface is the purple chiffon. 
Closure is a wool felted button. Glass beads are embellished for sparkling look.

Some pages with natural contact imprints of maple, ginkgo, oak and a few unknown local species.

This maple is windfall from Korea. A a friend who knows I love to do leaves imprints. She got it from Korea. This one is bold and I love most.

Art journal of 7 signatures with more than 100 pages for whatever purposes.

Be it a diary or sketch book........... it's a nice handmade art journal.

May be a note book for travels......

Now I decided to give it away to someone who may find it special.
This is a giveaway for the lucky one who left comments on my Facebook  page for the gimmick. Christina, this is on the way to you.... in the Scandinavian country. Wish you find it warm in your coming long winter!

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