

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Days in Salzburg 蕯爾斯堡之獨樂樂

He came here alone....
I'm also by myself...... in the scenic Salzburg.  The day I arrived was a brilliant Sunday. 
Families and lovers all enjoying in the sunny day
Lover locks on the bridge to tie their hearts.......
Locked the lovers.....
Shopping is not my cup of tea. Climbing up the hill for the overlook..... spiritual fulfilled.
Brilliant view of the old town Salzburg 
Up and up...... I was here on the Monchberg.....
Invited me was the stunning snow capped alps in the far distance
I can't help to explore more the Salzburg gorgeous scenery. Formerly a plan to Hallstatt was cancelled as I can't manage to book accommodation there and it's too far away for a day trip.

Instead I went to the Salzbourg Lake District by bus. First stop in Fuschl.
I was there in the early morning and usually quiet on Monday
I just took an hour along the lake for shots
Fuschl is a small village. After an hour I went to the next lake town.

The picturesque lake village St Gilgen is famous for Mozart's mother was born here

This quaint village is scenic and historic landmark of the countryside
The cafe chairs are covered with wool skins as it's still cold in April
Swans are in the sunny turquoise lake
My couple of days in Salzburg is more than enough for the stunning views in beautiful weather

Walked from dawn to dusk have to call it a day
Last glimpse of the old town
I'm here to meet this lonely cat, only I said he's lonely just like people thought that I'm a poor lonely woman! Who knows we're enjoy being solo at times !


  1. Replies
    1. Yes, it's really gorgeous especially in the beautiful weather.

  2. Hello Terriea, it looks like you are having a lovely time in Europe.. Salzburg is truly beautiful. I visit there several years ago and took the Sound of Music tour... Truly wonderful..

  3. Judy, it's stunning. Yes, particularly the routing of "Sound of Music". I love the quaint lakeside villages.

  4. Góry i woda to dla mniej coś najpiękniejszego w przyrodzie. Zazdroszczę.

  5. Fantastic scenery. I love that shot of you peering out over the water.

  6. Wow.. the mountains and lake look amazing! x
