

Friday, March 20, 2015

Teaching in Shanghai - Wool felt (2) 上海羊毛工藝教學

The second session of my teaching in Shanghai Jinze Arts Centre was wool felt / nuno felt. They made nuno felt scarfs, ring flowers and phone pouches with the techniques learnt.
上海金澤工藝館的教學第二、三天是羊毛混纖薄纱及羊毛小包包製作, 各學員運用掌握到的技巧製作大小不同的圍巾及別緻的指環花.  大部份學員都是初接觸濕氈製作,  對其可塑性深感興趣, 相信此後他們會發掘更多羊毛創意.
 After my sample demo for the nuno felt texture effect, they're going to do their own layering.
 This piece mixed with fleece of wild yak on the collar
 A large piece for installation art piece
Making a small piece of iPhone case
 After the workshop, session of critique of each piece of eco prints and wool felts.
 Way to learn from each other
 The pasture or the ocean theme

 The blue maple with ruffled edges
 The black wrap with raw fleece of wild yak

 The flat nuno and the textural scarf

Students were so pleased to find the versatility of wool, they worked till night. A retreat of making flower rings.

 I made a rug with fleece of wild yak and found it so soft.
Next blog will the the beautiful scenery around the venue.


  1. Hello Terriea, your students all look so happy and their creations are all so wonderful.

  2. What fun, using yak! It's a great project and looks like a wonderful class, Terriea!!

    1. Yea, yak is wonderful to play with. It's so soft, out of my expectation .

  3. Yes, lovely - and such a variety, as well!

  4. It looks like they learned a lot..and had a great time!

    1. Thanks Ginny. Yes they do like such exploration of wool.
