

Friday, December 26, 2014

Tuscany theme landscape botanical prints 植物印染掛畫

 On Christmas eve, the oven is cooking a turkey while the other cooker is boiling a bundle of wool flannel.  That's the Tuscany cypress landscape I printed for the Christmas table setting.
平安夜, 火雞待在焗爐, 那邊的煱子烚著我的植物絨布包扎, 兩個多小時加熱, 待乾便車缝完成一副以桉樹葉印染托斯卡尼主題的桌墊或掛畫.
 I used assorted euc and kinds of unknown leaves collected behind my area.  Just love the edge of a pine look.  
 The upper part all of silver dollar eucalyptus and a few needle pines.
 Bottom is of Tuscany cypress theme.  I laid the small branches and barks of eucalyptus.
 Before and after
 So, you can see the shades of leaves but one or two others are not quite strong prints.
 Silver dollar euc are always the most impressive
 A wall hanging   ......            
or a table runner is the Tuscany landscape I wanted.

 When I use the brush I can make a bright and colorful  painting.   Why should I bother to take a longer time to boil and wait for the unexpected botanical prints?  That's the bounty of nature !  Whatever it is we appreciate the process.


  1. Wesołych świąt Bożego Narodzenia życzę.
    Piękny filc.

  2. Thank you Terry, another brilliant work, silver dollar euc is really bright, love it! You are so inspiring to me! Happy Christmas

  3. Thank you Lena. Happy Holidays and wish you the new year 2015 filled with joy!

  4. Love your Tuscan landscape - I think it is a great success!
