

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Wool fleece wall hanging with cat's contribution 貓羊合一毛氈掛畫

 Am I a cat fanatic? If you're not or scare of cats please skip it. 
Here again the wall hanging I made with assorted raw fleece with my own cat Mogi's contribution.
我為貓狂, 我的朋友一點不以為然, 我以家中寵兒的毛毛做了一件又一件的東西. 最為喜愛都是做這些羊毛合一掛氈.
 "Can you spot which part of my contribution?", Mogi asked.

 No doubt this part.  He's expecting the festive season.
 A wool felt hanging with X'mas bells embellishment simply a festive home decor.
 As I've quite a lot eco printed fabrics in the stash.  I took the "not-so-good" piece as backing for the nuno felt hanging
llayered a thin Finn white wool then put some assorted fleece over it.  Certainly the main part is the white hair of Mogi!  See .......he's curious....
 His figure....... already approved by him....
 After some rubbing, rock n roll..... all felted.  Then I painted it with acrylic.
  Back hanging with the tree branch I picked
 A wall hanging of wool and my cat's hair.  The back is nuno felt with texture and eco print          

 These two pieces each with Mogi's contribution.  His hair is so lovely to work with.  Easy felt and nice texture. Cat lovers may like to make something with their fluffy.
 X'mas bells are ambiance of festive season.  Next time I'll post the simple making of these wool felt ornament.


  1. Nie dziwię, że Mogi zainteresowana. Ja też zbieram włosy mojego kota, jeszcze nie wiem co z nich wykonam. Mój barwą przypomina wyczesy z wielbłąda. Kulki filcują się w dłoniach.
    Piękna praca.
