

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Wool felt Christmas bells making 羊毛聖誕鐘製作

 Christmas is around the corner.  Yap it rings my bell. 
Ding.... made a few ornaments for the festive ambiance.
又到聖誕, 又到聖誕.......聽聽我的鈴聲......製作歡樂.....製造喜悅....

Colorful wool felted bells against the pure white fleece hanging
 But also good for Mogi's shelter deco.
 He stares at the string.....
 Oh no, don't grab it !  No prob. They're easy to make.
I cut the foam template, enclosed with wool, rubbed and rolled a while, then cut in half and shaped on top of a pen cab or a small bottle.  That's it.

 Tie on the rope make it a string. Tiny wool felted bells I made and the pine cones my mother collected in her area.This year Christmas in my yard.
Made a small one for the white angel.  More than enough to make a Christmas decoration with these little ornaments.
Linking fromdreamtoreality party

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Wool fleece wall hanging with cat's contribution 貓羊合一毛氈掛畫

 Am I a cat fanatic? If you're not or scare of cats please skip it. 
Here again the wall hanging I made with assorted raw fleece with my own cat Mogi's contribution.
我為貓狂, 我的朋友一點不以為然, 我以家中寵兒的毛毛做了一件又一件的東西. 最為喜愛都是做這些羊毛合一掛氈.
 "Can you spot which part of my contribution?", Mogi asked.

 No doubt this part.  He's expecting the festive season.
 A wool felt hanging with X'mas bells embellishment simply a festive home decor.
 As I've quite a lot eco printed fabrics in the stash.  I took the "not-so-good" piece as backing for the nuno felt hanging
llayered a thin Finn white wool then put some assorted fleece over it.  Certainly the main part is the white hair of Mogi!  See .......he's curious....
 His figure....... already approved by him....
 After some rubbing, rock n roll..... all felted.  Then I painted it with acrylic.
  Back hanging with the tree branch I picked
 A wall hanging of wool and my cat's hair.  The back is nuno felt with texture and eco print          

 These two pieces each with Mogi's contribution.  His hair is so lovely to work with.  Easy felt and nice texture. Cat lovers may like to make something with their fluffy.
 X'mas bells are ambiance of festive season.  Next time I'll post the simple making of these wool felt ornament.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Make the days brighter 繽紛色彩

 I've been doing eco prints for the recent two years. I got some colorful natural dyeing and printings but It takes a few hours for the process to make prints.    Know that all come from nature - the natural leaves prints and the natural dyes.  The prints are bounty of nature, subtle and one-of-a-kind. Sometimes I feel daunting for outcomes not as expected.
Today I lined for the shots.  Mogi found it a shelter. Did he like my works? 
雖然我的天然印染也有豐富色彩, 有紅, 、 有紫、 有黃花、 有綠葉、有線條.....但製作過程需時, 效果有時未如意, 偶有失望. 我的貓兒在我的布料中, 有何感覺 ?
 Purple logwood shibori dye, heart-shaped and bold red euc.
 Casaurina (pines)
 Turmeric yellow
 Bold prints of camellia
All looks colorful already but I wanted to paint and get the immediate visual outcome.   Today I started the learning from basic. I like acrylic as it has the effect of watercolor and I'll apply the painting for my fabric art. 
 My second class of painting this.  I enjoyed so much and it made my colorful day.   
今日我上課學塑膠彩繪, 也好享受繽紛色彩, 我會利用這彩繒技巧運用於布藝創新上.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Cat bed of own DNA 貓貓"洞"

"What's this hallow thing? "
每日梳理貓貓, 何不為牠做一件 "個人" 物品過這冬日 !
 Mogi, "Hmmmmm.....  something sense familiar."
Yeap, the cat bed wet felted with Mogi's hair - his own DNA.
 "Does it fit me?" Mogi curious.
 "Let me try...."
 "Yeap, barely fits me."
 Shelter just good for winter
 "Mum you should have made it bigger so that I can move around."
 May be it's good as a chair mattress?
 Oh yeah, raw fleece is wonderful to work with and mattress is warm in the coming cold days.
 Since four years when Mogi was small I've been saving his hair after combing. With lots of the bits and bats of my wool felt projects, I came up to make a cat bed with all these.
 The enclosed resist all covered with raw fleece, the dark brown fleece was quite coarse so I mixed it with Mogi's hair.  His hair is so fine and soft.  Thought some less then 21m.  The white cat shape is all with his hair.
 I intended to make the cat shape firmer and stitched the face.
The bed with no name but surely with Mogi's DNA. It's his own bed.
 His contribution to my creation not only the bed but also this wall hanging. 
Linking with fromdreamtoreality party.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Treasure hunt in the wood 叢林中寶物

 Walking in the wood in fall not only leaves foliage found but tree barks are changing their "cloth".  Foliage are not to sweep away.  They're bounty of nature and treasures fo me.
秋天的叢林, 雖則落葉片片, 樹皮換裝, 這可是我的寶物, 也為家居餐卓加添秋冬景致, 做了一片植物印染卓布.

 I want to "paint my brush" with the fall color.......
The day I went to the train station near my former office premises. I walked into the bush to collect theses euc blown off leaves and tree barks.  Together with other tree branches and leaves I bundle boiled on wool flannel.  Here came the "picture".........


The "Before & After" comparison......
Red maple has no color but the outline
 Three barks and branches of euc are pretty nice orange or brownish
I lined the backing with dark brown fabric and the back with loops so that can be a wall hanging or a table runner. 
 The final touch with my label is always the happy moment.
 So....  a picture of my "bush with autumn trees"
 A wall hanging or a table runner of "nature's bounty" will be a nice home decor.
                                                               Red and White on the "Golden Bush"
Linking with Creative Princess  Party
Linking with fromdreamtoreality Party
This table runner is available in my ETSY