

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Wool felt boots making 羊毛氈靴子

With cooler days approaching, wool felting is fun to play. I just made a pair of stylish wool felted boots with textures.
天氣漸涼, 我的羊毛狂熱又回來了, 對原羊毛尤甚喜好,
用以做一對自己合穿的靴子, 這個冬天不太冷!

On the surface I used some wild fleece locks.

 Intentionally made it a few styles, fold back to make the short boots.
 Put on the wild fleece leg warmers, make it long boots.  My last post of let warmer making.
 To make this pair of boots textures, I used the my eco printed silk scraps inside.
 Outside with Finn wool,and the wild fleece. I can't remember what sort of wool I ordered years ago. It's so soft.  The pair is made with one template and cut into two.  
 A style of short boots
 Fold back to show the inside textures that's the style I wanted.
 I used the shoe block to shape it fit into my size. My first trial of outdoor shoes.  Quite good to work with shoe blocks. 
This winter I'm warm enough
A pair of wool felt boots of three styles.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Endeavor to change - Mustard dye 植物印染衣飾

 A botanical imprinted scarf / vest redyed to mustard color.  
This is the piece of prints I endeavor to redye for gradual color.
 I picked the Lagerstroemia Indica with some yellow, red and green.  Hope to get different shades from autumn windfalls.

 I laid the assorted leaves, a few eucalyptus and bundle boiled the silk fabric for 1.5 hours.
This is the picture of the layout and outcome.
 I intended to put some more leaves on the top of the square fabric to make it a vest / scarf, simply lined two arm holes and hemmed. A multi-style of vest of "upside-down".
 Prints of Lagerstroemia Indica are not much different in spite of green or windfalls of yellow . The long and orange prints are eucalyptus.
 With tannin of leaves and iron, the watercolor painterly effect is so pleasing but I sometimes this is only happy accidents.

 Prints on the collar as a vest .......
 Simply a scarf
I thought it's no harm to make mustard color on the lower part.

 So I redyed the fabric in the eco dye pot.
The left one is before and right one is after dyed.
 The scarf / vest of gradual green
 Left is undyed, the right one dyed
I've to admit the original undyed one is fair enough but keen on experiments I will get the idea of different effect.  
On and off people asked me about eco print / dye.  I'm happy to share common queries.  For my way of getting this mustard green on silk, I use turmeric + logwood + alum. 
 Before putting in the dye pot, I soak the fabric in water with alum.   I soak the logwood chips for a few hours then wrap it with a scrap of fabric, .  For a pot of about 1 L water, I put a teaspoon each of turmeric, logwood and alum.  All together bring to boil then simmer for 10 min.  The longer the stay in the pot the darker the color. 
That's what I got.

Have a nice day ! Until next time.

Monday, October 20, 2014

ZZzzzzzzzz Mogi's dreaming a pretty lady.....貓咪夢境被著一身紅

 This is a dream from my cat Mogi.......
"Mum's tired of all those botanical prints.  She's done lots of experiments and lots of scraps in the stash.   This one printed with euc silver dollar is quite strong crimson for my wrap.......
貓咪  Mogi 被著一身我的植物印染,  說著夢話, 幻想著自己是紅豔女神, 舞動紅裙進出我在赤柱的工作室灘頭.......
"I'm comfy with the soft turmeric dyed silk bed sheet and dreaming I'm a pretty lady in red going to mum's studio in Stanley where I've never been visited.....

 "I'm in a gorgeous red nuno felt gown made with the euc silver dollar prints, I  walked to the waterfront in the morning.......
 "Then to the sand bay in a few minutes walk.......
 "Cool in a crispy fall...... listening to the echo of waves.......
 "I'm in a crimson style dress......
 "I find myself a super model.........

 "My front and back........ walking in the beach......
 "Back to mum's studio.... in the front of her painting......
                                               "Mum has lots of her own made mixed media dolls.    Among are a few but I'm the new one and the biggest she loves most.......

 "Oh well.......   woke up stretching .......  I found myself was only in a dream....... but I can sneak the making of the red lady......."
 The body was made with paverpol - textile hardener for sculpture making, (last post) then made a nuno felt dress to put on the body.
Formerly the dolls are made with ceramic, then paper clay, now the paverpol..... which can be bigger and bigger.  This red one is 1/4 size of a real human.   I sincerely thank to my friend Sharon G. who was so generous to show me the making while I was in Canada last Nov.  Making this sort of textile sculpture is interesting.   I like to modify the making by putting on my eco printed and nuno felted garment which has a soft and stylish movement.
Linking with fromdreamtoreality party.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Nuno felt simply multi-style shawl 百變羊毛混纖被肩

Last Sat I went to a wedding banquet. Such a great time for catching up with good mates.  My friend's knitted multi-style shawl inspired my creation.  She lent me the shawl and I made a nuno felt wearable based on the style with a bit change.   A one piece simply multi-style shawl - wrap - scarf - skirt wrap is made........
日前參加好友婚宴, 席間其中友人的針織被肩百變款式吸引我, 朋友建議我嘗試做, 我以羊毛混纖技巧加小許變化做了這款多變被搭款式的被肩, 亦可作外套或裙子穿著.

The top pic is a black knitted shawl my friend lent me for ref.
The other pic is the silk chiffon I made with eco print (rust and leaves) used for this nuno felt base.

I  made the neck (collar) a little cobweb look
After laying merino wool, mulberry silk and some blend silk & wool over the chiffon, then some hundreds back & forth rolling.....
I made this black/grey nuno felt shawl.
A basic shawl with seamless short sleeves and long draping that makes it reversible multi-style wearable art

                                                       A wrap

                                                                         A shawl in different styles

A reversible outfit, one side of merino wool, the other side of earthy eco prints

A little lustre of mulberry silk

                                                               Tied with a nuno felt flower brooch make it a skirt wrap

                                                 Be it a shawl, a wrap, a skirt, an outfit........ a wearable art piece........
Light and floating in the air.  
Sometimes friends catching up really a good inspiration for the making.  
Thank you Ada and Lisa for the brilliant idea.