

Thursday, September 4, 2014

On going vacation Tuscany Italy 繼續上路意大利托斯卡尼之行

Right after England, arrived Pisa by Rynair. Stayed overnight in the airport B&B before heading to Florence. Next morning took a bus to the train station to explore the town.
Less than a 10-min bus ride from the airport, bus arrived at the train station. Walked towards the streets I stopped by and bought a handmade ring, very unique weaved wax thread with stone and a nice chat with the artisan.

Going on ........the Hanging Tower is in the sight.
After sometime in Pisa I took an hour train to Florence downtown.  Checked in the B&B at 3pm, immediately went to explore the beautiful city. The city itself is of history, art and culture. Strolling you'll immerse yourself in the ambiance.  
Michelangelo's sculpture - David, is one of the master pieces.

Through the squares to the famous bridge Ponte Vecchio
Lovers locked their commitments on the bank
I shared the Galeto with the pigeon. 
Views of the river and bridge - Ponte Vecchio.  
Next morning took the bus no. 12 from the train station to Pizzale Michelangelo on a hill to see the splendid overview of Florence.

Stunning and brilliant

It's dusk, time to go.......
Today on my way to meet a friend and spend a week for an exploration in Chianciano T, medieval towns in the other side of the Region Tuscan. Both of us are expecting to do some Eco print experiments. Thrilled and can't wait.


  1. WOW! what a journey and adventure you are on! there are so many wonderful amazing things you are seeing, it has to be just awesome! Thank you for taking us along your trip with you your pictures are great and much appreciated. Please share your eco printing from there. Curious to sRose

    1. Dawn, thanking for following my journey. It's such an awesome trip. Will share with you in the coming days more about it.

  2. Ja też nie mogę się doczekać Twojego eko- druku, bo uważam, że jest najlepszy ze wszystkich jakie widziałam.

    1. It's fantastic being in Italy. Will post some more about Eco printing shortly. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. It will be interesting to see what colours the local Italian plants produce!

    1. Different country has different outcome of Eco prints. Will post some more next. Thanks for following Rachel.

  4. Hi Terriea, your lovely photos reminded me on my visits to this area of Italy. I look forward to seeing your Eco felting projects. Enjoy visiting your friend. Hugs Judy

    1. Thanks Judy. Italy especial here in Tuscany is fabulous. Will share some more next.

  5. Hope you continue to enjoy the trip. You sure are doing great to enjoy so many beautiful sites and art work, sculptures. Enjoying your lovely pictures.
    (((HUGS))) Susanne :)

    1. Thank you Susanne. Beautiful country and lovely friends here in Italy. Will post more next.
