

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Interaction in Italy 意大利的交流

 Because of the stunning views of Tuscany and the same passion of a friend, I was here .... in Italy for a 9-day visit.  My last stop in Sarteano was not only brilliant for the tours (last few posts mentioned already) but also for the interaction with my friend JM.  We shared the passion of eco printing and wool felting.
因著二人的共同喜好與創作使我們相知相識, JM 在意大利山城小鎮, 我在亞熱帶香港, 我嚮往小鎮風情,  JM 想跟我學習植物印染及羊毛混纖技巧, 我就此老遠跑去大家分享並作旅遊. 這是其中一件製作的被肩及手套, 以植物印染及羊毛混纖技巧完成.
This is the shawl made with both eco printed and nuno felted  

Not only a shawl but also a pair of fingerless mittens - a set for the upcoming winter.

We first bundled the crinkle silk chiffon with euc  and dyed in the logwood bath.

 Lined to dry the silk and crinkle chiffon.  Afterwards  tore the chiffon to make the texture  for a nuno felt shawl.
 Made the nuno felt shawl with chiffon base, layered with merino wool
 After layered wool, put on the scraps of squeezed crinkle chiffon, dyed cotton muslins and silk hankies....
 scattered a little cotton strings for the embellishments
 Wet and rubbed then rolled each for 150 times back & forth
 I showed JM the movement of rubbing, rolling and throwing...... all easily
 Not more than 2 hours we made the shawl with textural surface
JM said it looks like "Planet", galaxy, the universal.....
 Small shawl for the cool winter is made
 A pair of mittens will be good as well.  With the same eco printed chiffon, we made the nuno felt mittens with textural embellishment.
Elegant and warm mittens with 3D textures

  JM,  you're artistic and I got inspired by your creativity while I shared my skills of eco prints and nuno felt.
 Thanks for your hosting and warm hospitality. Our same passion brought us together from two continents. My honor to share and exchange.


  1. Very nice setting. Your host looks friendly and I like what she's made.

  2. Very pretty. I love the shawl and mitts - looks very warm! Enjoy your trip, Terriea!
