

Friday, September 12, 2014

Goodbye England then Holland 再見英倫,踏上荷蘭

Back in England , the day I took a train ride to meet my friend in other county. The map of train and tube looks like cobweb but well connect. Arrived St Albans noon time. 
過去兩天悠閒的在英國小鎮漫遊及踏著小黃花徑眺望,今日飛往荷蘭- 花之國度。

Leisure walk as swans in Verulamium Park
Crossed the green Vinty Garden, followed the trail walk up and down the alleys. 
St Albans stands out as a unique English Cathedral City.  The colourful history of Roman remains and beautiful medieval architecture can be seen. The city's historic ambience provides a delightful setting.

We strolled along the peaceful English town, stopped a while for the fabulous waffle & coffee in the Waffle House
A beautiful day completed with a fabulous waffle & coffee with a lovely friend Eva showing me around.
My other day with high school mate Corrina for a trail walk in the reserved marsh along Thames River

England is into autumn but still on the trail plenty if little white and yellow daisy. Further is the end of Thames Rive

Days in England were leisure and pleasant catching ups with friends.
Thanks for my best school mate's hosting. I have a wonderful holiday in England. Today leaving for Holland, another county for cycling.......
Goodbye the black&white in England.
"You are beautiful!"
"Am I?"

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