

Monday, August 11, 2014

Commission order - eco printed yardages for dS

Mogi, "hey, mum made the botanical printed yardages for a client in the States with my images. Can you get it?"

Yes, another commission order for a client dS.  She gave me the two windows measurement.  I made the three pieces and let her to cut it and sew for the two window curtains.
The three pieces along

 As requested they're "fall theme" with lots fallen leaves on the ground.  
Last Fri I went hiking, picked some windfalls and some fresh leaves. 
Mixed with some fresh euc and rose leaves and other assorted fresh leaves collected in my area. Done it......
 Yardage 1
 Yardage 2
 Yardage 3
All three pieces are done with different layout.
 Layout of the leaves on silk fabric with the cat silhouette
 After hours of boiling, unwrapping the picture......
 Bright red. orange. green, khaki, brown, dark......  pictures speak themselves fall is approaching
 Cats walk into dS's house to meet Violet Rose
 Euc with iron and alum mordant got shades of red.  Our local maple has no color but the shape only.
 Casaurina with fruits
 Fallen leaves on the ground

 Before & After
 Mogi, do you approve?
 I should ask if dS approves.  All three pieces (sizs 46" x 53" ) are ready to ship if she approves. 


  1. They have turned out really well, I agree. Such a bright orange!

    1. Thank you Rachel. I love that bright orange too.
