

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Cats follow me 與貓兒出遊

 Time to off.... not to bring with you but your silhouette, Mogi
Mogi, 不可能與你同遊啊! 不如  " 如影隨形" 的跟我漫遊倫敦鄉間小鎮、 意國托斯卡尼艷陽及花之國度荷蘭 .......

Another art journal - Nuno felt cover with cats silhouette and papers with prints that as usual I will bring along for a new trip.
Front cover with rose leaf
Alternative paper and silk pages printed with leaves
 The cover is one of the prints on silk that I cut  to make the nuno felt cover

This one with the Loropetalum Chinense (紅彩木 ) and eucalyptus I cut the cat shapes
 Enhanced with laundry marker.....
  to bring the outlines....
 cut the cat shape to make paper prints under Mogi's monitoring

Papers with the leaves prints after boiled an hour

prints on silk are cut to a few pieces
 An art journal is made with silk and paper prints
 Another art journal for my upcoming travels

 Yap, my journey to England, Tuscany and Amsterdam will be brimming with fun, leisure, culture, history, interaction and catch-up........ In the air today.


  1. have a great trip and blissful time

  2. My goodness, what big eyes Mogi has!
    Enjoy your trip..

  3. How heavenly, another trip. You are one on-the-go-lady with so much to see and do. Poor Mogi, I'm sure he misses you while you are gone and you miss him. Have a safe and enjoyable trip.Will miss you.
    (((HUGS))) Susanne :)
