

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Signature art book no. 1 我的 "特色 小本子製作

I made an art book (last post) of botanical imprints both cover and the papers, right after I listed on ETSY it became my  most "fast moving item" thanks to Dawn Edward (Felt So Right)'s  kindness.  My friend also named Dawn from the US also loves that art book and asked me to make the same style plus one other free style.  I really love dawn - the morning beam of hope and brightness.  Love you both Dawn.  
So....... last week, I buried myself in the creation specially for Dawn, while I was making the papers, doing stitch by stitch I was thinking of my friend how she appreciates the nature, the trees, the leaves and kindness to an artisan.
早前在 ETSY 上架的 一本手作小本子, 不消一刻便售出. 有美國朋友人特意定製兩本作為私人小記及送禮, 因而這星期埋頭用心的製作, 完成了, 在後山溪流拍攝了這輯相片.
Here's the one special made with love ........
Nuno felt cover of textural surface with sprinkling glass beads, tied with euc silver dollar heart shaped book mark, enclosed with self made ceramic button.
Front cover with natural printed rose leaf
I wanted to make this art book more colorful with the silk fabric printed mainly with euc silver dollar and rose leaves
A book of 5 signatures,  in between inserted with the silk prints, i.e. a book of 90 single sided papers or 180 pages front and back.
I used my botanical printed silk to make the nuno felt cover
I made the leaves prints on silk fabric then cut it into five equal section, pressed with under-lining to make the silk "pages" firmer, hand stitched the edges.  Yes, I insisted on handmade -  a touch of love.
The papers are steam printed with assorted leaves collected in my area.  
All done. A walk in my area after the storm, cool with running stream
An art book with aroma of nature
Special for the one who wants to keep her special thoughts
All the printed pages are individual
Special for you Dawn - a warm heart coming along
Book mark is made with two leaves prints - euc silver dollar and rose leaf. That is the theme of the art book.
A secret book with thoughts enclosed with the ceramic button
Book cover of nuno felt textural effect
This is special made for a special one with my "signature"
Another art book of different color tone followed next.


  1. Thanks as always for the lovelyphotographic steps of your making of this gift of love..and of course, I am glad to see that Mogi ha some part in the project! :)

    1. Thank you Ginny. Love to share especially with Mogi's contribution. Always appreciate your sweet words.
