

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Upcycled Natural Printed Tote Bag 美化新袋子

 Just done face lift for the fabric bag with eco printed fabric.
一個用舊了的袋子, 祗要穿上新衣, 又是新的一個隨身行裝 .
 Years ago I made the tote bag with euc printed silk cover.  It's wore out and I wanted it a face lift with another cover of botanical prints.
 Found eucalyptus and rose leaves are quite good on "boiled wool".
 I just needed to sew the cover with cotton fabric and the "boiled wool" then inserted the bag and sewed together.
That's it.... a new bag for me.
 Flat box base
The same few pockets and room for iPad, phone, files, purses.....

 The pretty is natural prints with bright and bold eucalyptus.
Two sides of different prints
Oh, it's too much for the set !

A tote bag for my travels here and there......

Just love the "boiled wool".  The samples made and some turned to table runner. I'm too addicted !


  1. That gorgeous orange colour...! Enough to lift the spirits all by itself!

  2. such rich color you get with those leaves, that is beautiful! I think you have a beautiful addiction!

  3. Mum, says Mogi you did a good job on revitalizing that bag! Are you and it and the pink suitcase heading on more travels soon, Terriea? I always enjoy your blog posts and your descriptions of the process!

    1. Ginny, may be if schedule suits we may meet again this autumn somewhere in the other part of the world. I will travel with the pink box and this leafy bag! Haha.....

  4. "Boiled wool" is gorgeous to absorb pigments. Orange from kind of eucalyptus is particularly good with it.

  5. The colours are so beautiful! How do make the prints?

    1. It's eucalyptus leaves printed directly on wool fabric by boiling - kind of eco printing process.

  6. Hello Terriea, your new Eco print art for your old tote bag is gorgeous, very lovely indeed. I am sure you will get many nice praise a out it when you travel hugs Judy

    1. Thanks and yes the bag got some eyeballs and praises.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. I think we women get attached to a certain tote bag and want to extend it's life so that we can keep it even longer when it is older and worn. It is good you are able to do this and save it. I am like that too, I hang on to many things and wear them out completely before I get a new thing. I have clothes in my closet from when I dated my husband, they are vintage now. Unfortunately I no longer fit in any of them, but maybe someday I will.
    Have a good weekend dear friend,
    Susanne :)

    1. That's what we call waste not want not. I'd try to make the most out of it. Your vintage clothing are of good memories. May be you can upcycle with it to turn it a kids' clothing.
