

Sunday, June 22, 2014

One-on-one wool felt purse teaching 羊毛手袋製作教授

 Into hot summer but still I have enthusiastic student wanted to learn the wool felt purse making. If time allows I'd like to do one-on-one teaching of wool stuff.  This double-flap shoulder bag with 3D nuno felt flowers and inner pocket all made in one piece done by my student J. I enjoyed personal workshop as I can concentrate on her work and have a nice interaction not only about wool felt, we chatted about our 4-legged pals. 
雨下的星期天. 熱衷手工藝的學生 J 來單獨跟我學做羊毛手袋, 輕鬆的幾小時她完成了這個風格手袋.

 After layered the enclosed resist......
decorated with my logwood dyed silk strips and ramie.
Such concentrated student (s).... or he - Mogi, the observer....
" Curious Mogi, what do you think?"
Final embellished with logwood dyed silk scraps and silk hankies.

Do the rubbing and rolling....

 After some time of "rock n' roll", cut along the top edge for the flaps opening. 
Some more rubbing, fulling.......
 The finished purse with two flaps, 3D nuno felt flower and the one piece strap handle.
 Well done J and Mogi.  You're on time and made the beautiful one-of-a-kind purse.
Thanks for coming J. You made the nice purse with your creativity of flowers.
A wool felt shoulder bag for the coming autumn.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Eco printed autumn themed scarfs 秋意盎然植物印染絲巾

 We're into hot summer but a light scarf is still a fashion accessory in air-con office. To have a crispy summer day, I made the fall themed scarfs with mixed colors.
The two scarfs,  above and below of different patterns.

 This one with few strokes of pine prints as tree branches and a few rose leaves,  some eucalyptus cinerea for the bright orange / reddish.

 The "before and after" of leaves laying - casaurina pines, assorted euc, rose leaves and maples
 Shades of color are due to iron mordant and assorted euc.
 After 1.5 hours boiling came the bold prints
"Hearts" of euc cinerea
 Rose leaves with iron mordant
 Rose leaf without direct iron mordant but "immersed" by the nearby leaves.
 Maple leaves with iron mordant
Silk scarf with mixed windfalls
Quite some people asked me about eco printing, lots enquiries from local, Argentina, Chile, US......even Uruguay.  Well, I'm happy to share with like-minded.

If you're the first time to make a silk scarf with this prints without any mordant, are you happy?  That's done by my student's first time under my guidance.

 For beginners if they can do prints of orange / reddish shades from eucalyptus with simple process I suppose would be pleased. Some people said that they'd never got bright color, sharp prints, dark shades...... I said eco printing is quite regionalism.  Plants, water, soil, temperature, process and methods of making are factors of outcome.  Here in Hong Kong I rarely have purple, blue or yellow direct prints from leaves.or flowers.  

 With more experiments I can make shades.  Mogi is happy in the shade!
 This scarf is on my ETSY shop
Also this one on my ETSY shop 
Linking with CreativePrincess
Have a good day !

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Another nuno felt girl dress 又一羊毛混絲雪紡裙子

Set of elegance
 自上一網誌展示羊毛混絲雪紡裙子, 我收到查詢有關教學, 甚至海外的安排, 因此做了兩件製作, 一小孩一成人的樣品, 我隣家小女孩 Layla還有幾天便離港, 今日趁天氣良好邀請她再為我展現製作, 看她........活潑跳脫, 時而優雅, 太可愛了 !
 Since my last post of a girl nuno felt dress, I got some inquiries for teaching.  Before arrangements I made two more styles, one for a girl and one for adult.  Grasped the days before my sweet neighbor Layla leaving for good, I asked her favour to demo.  I also made a head band for the match.  She's gorgeous and showed it vividly and elegantly!
 The white one is dress for a girl of 7 , the grey one behind is adult's tunic.  Both made with nuno felt skills, seamless with sewing with 3D textural surface.
 Front and back of the girl's dress
 They're made with chiffon base, silk gauze, merino wool. mulberry silk and my own indigo dyed ramie.
The style is light and airy in summer.
 See..... the gorgeous..... she shows it vividly .....

 Without any instructions from me, a potential model of tomorrow demo so well my piece with her own poses. 
 Two pieces, one for a girl of 7, the same style, same technique, just enlarge the proportion to make for adult, no matter for a  7, 37 or 47...... style goes well.
Thank you gorgeous, you're brilliant.  I'll miss you and your mama Zeinab.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Sweetie nuno felt dress making

Girl nuno felt dress specially made for a sweet girl
給隣家小女孩製作的羊毛混絲雪紡裙子, 讓她帶你遊覽我們的環境同時展示裙子.
 My neighbor expatriate family is moving. I'll miss this sweet soul Layla.  She's gorgeous, naive and energetic. They live next to my studio where I only be there on and off.  They're leaving HK for good. I made this nuno felt dress for her.  Last Sat we took shots around our area that's their last stop in Asia.  Thought this is a nice place in her happy childhood. Let her show you our environment....... 
 The greenery housing area with streams...
 The Stanley Plaza where she can spend couple of hours herself
 She's quite energetic, monkey climb.....
 She put on herself the flower, such elegant sweetie !
 The promenade of the main street
 Here's a good point to see sunset
 Walk to the market, a tourist must visit spot.
 The other side is the main beach
 Pick the seashell, a keepsake

 Goodbye to the school she attended
 Nice performing pose in my studio
 Last stop in my studio then she will fly
 Her fav "dumping in soup"
 Nice to know you Zeinab and Layla. I'll miss you. Wish your next destination is my hub to Europe sometime next.
 Gorgeous soul, I love you.
 Making a nuno felt dress like this style is easy.  I just cut a template one third size the actual dress.
 The white silk chiffon is the base.  Made it seamless with little merino wool, mulberry silk, colorful silk scraps to make the nuno felt textural surface.
 That's the simple dress on the pretty little girl.