

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Copy cat 複製的傢伙

Raw fleece is so fun to play with as well lots creativities to explore. My term "raw fleece" incl. my fluffy brat. Just finished a wall hanging........
如果你愛貓,自己有養貓, 何防加點心思做一些家居擺飾, 就這樣製作罷.......

Raw fleece of this wall hanging mainly from my neighbour's NZ assorted fresh shorn fleece.

Again, I used my cat's hair (white) which I keep after daily combing as the theme. I used my own eco printed chiffon as backing, some silk scraps/ strips as nuno felt embellishment, some bits and bats from previous projects on the bottom. All together...... "rock n' roll" ..... came the textures. My cat's hair is so soft, quite firm after felted.  No wonder his hair felted itself if I'm lazy to comb him!!

After all felted and dried I stitched facial expression.... eyes, whiskers....... See his expression!
"Mogi, are you not happy with the cloning?"
"That's what I can do!"
I've the option of red flowers on but wondering if it looks good.  So it's fixed by pins. Any suggestions?
Since it's nuno felt with my own botanical printed silk chiffon, the back is another look of the hanging.

I've made four hangings /rugs with the NZ raw fleece my sweet neighbour gave me. I've them everywhere in my tiny studio.

My friend suggested me to put them on my ETSY shop. I'm afraid if they knew it's part of my fluffy ball's contribution, that will scare them away!
I love my own cat, I love to make something with it. Better to keep it in my studio.
May be no cloning but needle felt is another way of creation.
Linking with D.I.Y. Dreamer party.


  1. Such a cute post. You make the cat look just like your dear kitty.

    1. I feel happy when I see the hanging with my cat's contribution. Thanks.

  2. Ja też zatrzymuję włosy z wyczesywania mojego kota. Zrobiłam z tego kulki filcowe. Ma bardzo szybko filcujące się futro. Kulki filcowałam wyłącznie w dłoniach. Odbijają się niczym piłeczki pimpongowe, są bardzo zbite. Zastanawiam się co zrobić z resztą.
    Twój pomysł jest bardzo fajny. Jednak mój syjam ma bardzo miękkie i krótkie futro.

    1. Cat's hair is fun to play with. You can keep more of your Siam's then you mix with other wool to so something is lovely too.

  3. I like with the red flowers, I must say!
