

Monday, April 28, 2014

Crazy mum and the fluffy

"Mum's so crazy, she's crazy about fleece, she's crazy to do felting in the hot days"
Yes, we're into summer but I still crazy about wool felt. Being fibre fanatic wool is my second skin. Like my hair and skin,  wool follows me life long. Last weekend my studio neighbour Z. got some raw fleece from NZ,  freshly shorn from lamb and sheep !
大熱天還攬著毛茸茸, 瘋瘋的. 是喲, 羊毛就好像我的身體髮膚, 無論冬夏總是隨著我走, 這日鄰居給我好大袋的新西蘭原羊毛, 我們先做一小片試試, 好易氈化,好柔軟的, 之後我做了一大片牆上掛飾, 然後加上植物印染, 又可成為冬日肩上被飾.
We played a sample with all those 5 breeds.  They're so beautiful, curly and sheen.

Not long we felted a piece, so soft and easy felt except for the black one.  I'm not sure what are the species, one should be Romney.

My neighbour's so kind to give me a lot. I'm crazy about raw fleece especially the curly ones.  Immediately I made in the studio a wall hanging with all those fleece. 

1) I laid them carefully with the tips up, in the middle left the flat blank white but scattered some mulberry silk.  
2)Turned it over and layered a thin wool
3) Covered with scraps of chiffon as backing and light draping. 
4)  I made it in the both room since it's muddy. 

Less then 1.5 hours finished with the sheen look.
I hang it in the studio.  It looks fine,
Like playing color with euc. Why not put some color on it ?
I dipped the leaves in vinegar, rolled up the bundle and boiled for 1.5 hours.
"Hmmmm, what's the smell?"
"Pleasant? Yap, I love the heavenly smell."
Color added. Leaves sheen with mulberry silk .

The "Before and After" wall hanging.
Indeed I also like the original but keen on experiment of natural prints.  
Be it a wall hanging, a table runner or a shoulder wrap in a cold winter.
A bit color is fresh in a gloomy winter.
"Oh mum it's already summer here.  Are you crazy to wrap with all those fluffy?"
Well, refresh with the cool mint in the hot summer.  This is the display of art walk in Stanley where my little studio located. 


  1. Hello Terriea, wow what fun you had with the new fleece. All so lovely. Who is your helper, she is a sweetie. Mogi loves to look your creative work over to make sure it is perfect. Of course it always is. Do you ever use the fur from Mogi to felt??? Lovely wrap indeed and of course the nature dyeing adds that wee bit if color that makes the whole creation pop. Very very lovely work. Hugs Judy

    1. The sweetie is my neighbor's daughter Layla. She's gorgeous. Her mum gave me lots of the raw fleece which are lovely for my free creation. I did use Mogi's fur to make a little box. It's so soft but better to mix with wool to make it felt well.

  2. Oh my gosh..another fun and enjoyable post, Terriea! I remember that cute little girl from a post last year..she must have had fun too!..a fine tutorrial, great pictures and marvelous fluffy and printed piece with that great NZ fleece!!!

    1. Thanks Ginny, the little girl is Layla, my neighbor's daughter. Yes I posted her before for the slippers and the beret I made for her. She's a sweet soul. The NZ raw fleece is wonderful to felt with.

  3. beautiful fleece, I love your enthusiasm, you are a creative genius!!! The art display was beautiful, it blends in with the surroundings beautifully,

  4. It seems to me to have received the pawprint of approval!

    1. My fluffy brat is such a curious thing. Thanks for stopping by.

  5. Be careful Mogi, mum will make something from you next, lol
    (((HUGS))) Susanne :)

    1. Susanne, Mogi is in the clone. I've just done something with his..... Stay tuned.

  6. Hi, found your blog after looking at pictures on Flikr, have so enjoyed looking back through your posts at all your projects. thanks for sharing.
