

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Students' shoulder bag 學生羊毛袋製作

Yesterday was a gloomy day.  My two students A & J came for the whole day to make these shoulder bags. 
初春霧霾天氣沉悶, 昨日學生做的羊毛手袋, 綠意盎然,   我的學生A & J 很熱誠的已是一個月內第三堂跟我學做羊毛氈製作, 之前做了原羊毛手提袋及植物印染 nuno felt 被肩, 她們不是從基本的簡單開始學習, 但己能夠掌握當中技巧, 很聰敏的學生 !

Set up inspected by Mogi before they're coming at 10am. 
For big projects I meant projects with plenty of water, I've to do in the open yard, it's no good if  raining or windy.  Thank goodness yesterday was only a grey day.  They're blessed and started layering......

Bags are made with inside pockets, firm and sturdy handle, all one piece made with enclose resists.  
Both ladies like green but with different outside patterns.  
Having a personality color green means kind, generous and compassionate, as they are.

After hours of wool layering, rubbing and rolling....... such physical exercise ..... not yet finished

Remove the resists, soak in hot spa...... some more rubbing, rolling, make the handle firm and round......  
Alright, after 6 hours hard work, almost finished.  Beat and shape it to the desired form.

- "Is it ok?"
- " Well, that's what I wanted and I like it" 

The colorful bag done by A, who loves bright color contrast with green.  She said it goes well with her green leather jacket.

Such cheerful color

Both are same color tone with different patterns,  double ruffled flaps, round and sturdy short shoulder strap.   There're some mulberry silk blended wool embellishment. After dried would have sheen look.

 The two ladies A & J are so passionate about felt making.  Within the month they learnt in a row wild fleece bag making, nuno felt wrap and natural printing then the shoulder bag.  As they're not learnt from basic flat, some techniques are new and quite curious for the effects.  They're talented and tackled well.  I like to do one-on-one or two tuition as I can concentrate more on their works.   They're really into felt making and planned to come next to do pouches with wool painting.
I like home studio since flexible, I don't have to worry about over run.  Also having  this naughty brat around makes fun.
Until next time.......


  1. such lucky students to be guided by your expert instruction and of course lovely quality control officer Mogli! Beautiful creations!!

  2. beautiful bags! I know they will love using them!

  3. They have done a marvellous job! Their creations are beautiful and you must be a wonderful instructor to have students who do so well. Your cat too is very pretty and interested.

  4. Hello Terriea, Your 2 students did a fantastic job of creating their lovely new purses under the guidance of their very talented teacher...It looked like a very fun day for all. Of course have Mogi to entertain you all adds to the fun.. Hugs Judy

  5. They have made 2 lovely and very well shaped bags, you wouldn't guess they were so new to felt making. Good work ladies, and well done Terrie you have taught them well :)

  6. They are both beautiful bags - well done you!

  7. I am back tracking here, I can hardly believe how busy you have been. The green purses are such a vibrant color and the flowers on them just pop right out for all to see. How much fun you are having to teach your friends and students such useable art form.
    (((HUGS))) Susanne :)

  8. It’s nice collection! The fashion shoulder bag is at the bag store www.25880.com .
