

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Day tour to Jerusalem 耶路撒冷

Today Irit Dulman and here daughter were so kind to come with me to Jerusalem. We took the early train from Tel Aviv along the scenic route, arrived the Old City less than 2 hours. We went through the gate of the Old City walls, walked along the alley markets, to the Christain Quarter, Moslem Quarter, the Jewish Quarter, the Western Wall......

The Church of the Holy Sepulchre
The Wester Wall
Up to the Observatory Deck for the panorama view of the Dome of Rock, The Temple Mount,

The Western Wall down there Jews standing in front in devout prayer

The Arab houses

The beautiful weather allowed us to see clear and further 

Visitors are fascinated by the bazaars and markets of the Middle East souvenirs
 "Humus" is the Arab food we tasted
After the Old City tour we entered the Israel Museum for the exhibits of Jewish wardrobe 

In the museum yard there's an object with reflection, oh sorry, didn't note what it is.
Facing it found our funny look
The other side is a sculpture of Hebrew LOVE

Sunset ray through the window.  Call it a day, we took the train back to the city. 
Thank you Irit and Oyla for the day with me. Tomorrow will have my big project done. Thrilled for it!


  1. How exciting, it's particularly exciting for me too, as i too will visit Israel in 6 months. the food looks delicious, i love hummus and falafel, mmm and such beautiful colours. Can't wait. Hope your project is as fabulous as you hope for.

    1. Berenice, Israel is such a beautiful country. Wonderful time yet to explore. Lovely friends and stunning views you will enjoy.

  2. A fascinating day out, I'm sure. Looking forward to hearing about the Big Project!

  3. I am so enjoying your journey....Thanks so much for always documenting your travels so well. Feels like we're right there with you. I love seeing you and Irit together.

    Looking forward to updates on the 'Big Project'. Have fun and tell Irit 'hello' from me....wish I were with both of you ;-)

    Big hugs,

    1. Dawn, I really really enjoy so much Israel. With marvellous Irit and friends, lots to explore. I just changed my flight to stay a few more days to explore in the north. The big project is awesome. Will show after good shots.
      Love, Terriea

  4. What a great train trip into the city.. You saw some very lovely places and even most wonderful sharing it with friends. Hugs Judy

  5. If there is one place on this earth I would love to visit, it would be the Holy Lands, where Jesus walked and taught the gospel. How fortunate that your craft brought you to another beautiful place.
    (((HUGS))) Susanne :)
