

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Botanical imprints and nuno felt coat 植物印染無縫大衣

My BIG project in Israel finally completed.  That is the nuno felt & botanical imprinted coat - a seamless and reversible coat done without using thread or needle.
我在以色列跟隨 Irit Dulman學做的植物印染 nuno felt 無縫大衣剛好完成, 雖然現在以色列已是春天,早晚仍很清涼, 明天北上將會有寒意,這大衣將派用場。感謝 Irit Dulman的慷慨指導, 使我對這nuno felt 大衣製作獲益良多。

One side with leaves prints and the other not, thus make it a 2-style dressing.
Last week I flew to Israel to learn from Irit Dulman the coat making. Irit is awesome and generous to teach me the skills. I finished the making in her spacious studio.
Opening the bundle immediately from hot pot, we're pleased with the fine and delicate

Under a brilliant teacher's guidance, I made the plain white nuno felt coat to a pretty outfit.

"How is the fitting?"

I intended to have collar and inner sleeves some euc prints, make it a style of reversible coat with fold back sleeves.

Though it's now already spring in Israel, a woman like me from sub-tropical region feel cold in the morning. It's warm wearing it while having breakfast in the balcony.   In the coming days I'll be heading to the north of Israel that should be a bit cool. The newly made coat just fit for my stay there.
I'm so glad and honor to learn from Irit Dulman in Israel combined my leisure trip and friends visit. Thankful for her kindness and  generosity. 


  1. Hello Terriea. WOW what a fantastic job you did in creating your nature print coat.. It is truly lovely. You and your teacher are both very talented. A coat to treasure forever.. Love the design too. Hugs Judy

    1. Thank you Judy. Really fantastic to learn from a brilliant teacher the special technique of making.

  2. How you made that without a needle or thread has me puzzled. It is fantastic and you look just stunning in it. It will look good with your boots and purse that you wore to Canada. Enjoy your travels friend. Thank you for sharing. I have commented on your last 5 posts. I can only say WOW, you sure have been busy.
    (((HUGS))) Susanne :)

    1. Susanne, wool felt and nuno felt is like playing magic. You can make free form, wearable.... without thread or needle. Making this pretty outfit with botanical imprints is really fantastic under the generous guidance of my teacher. Oh yeah it fits my booties wore in Canada. Such nice set. Thanks for stopping by and sweet words. I will visit you when I have easy internet access. Love.

  3. You must be very thrilled Terriea, it looks stunning!

  4. You obviously had a lot of fun in modelling it, as well!

  5. Stunning! The coat, the teacher, Irit and you ;-) I have so enjoyed your travels and the making....and such beautiful prints....It's been marvelous. Thank you so much.

    1. Thank you Dawn. Irit is wonderful. I enjoyed and learnt greatly from her and my visit in Israel is wonderful. Wish you a marvellous time with Nicola and teaching in Ireland.

  6. Wow Terrie, that is a fabulous coat! Gorgeous shape and fit, and the leaf prints are amazing.. you look very stylish!
    Looks like you could only just reach the middle of that huge layout :)

    1. Thanks Deborah. Making of nuno felt cost is a big project. Once completed and fit is a "Wow".
