

Sunday, February 9, 2014

My felt matters 後期製作百寶袋

A simple hemp bag added little something to make it different.  Oh, all my felt matters ! 
Closer look, what do you see?  Well..... please follow me.....
Recently I ordered from World of Wool to replenish my stock for the upcoming handbag workshop.  Yesterday received the package with the complimentary hemp bag - "Bag for Life".  What a functional bag for me ! It came great as simply plain that I can do something with.

I found from stash my eco printed wool felt sheet done in Portugal Wool extravaganza and the cotton printed with leaves.
The original narrow leaves prints on the wool felt sheet are not bold but the silver dollar euc are fine, so I stitched along the narrow ones to make them clear.
Here finished after stitches on the wool felt sheet.  
 Making it a 3D texture touch, I purposely felted with little long raw fleece and the  brown Portugal local Bordeleira sheep as two wandering sheep in the field.   I hand stitched the felted sheet on one side of the hemp bag.
Stitched the magnet button and put on my own made ceramic sheep pin.
The other side I stitched the cotton print.  That's the leaves dipped in iron water and boiled.  The layout I intended to make a wood.   Thought the added embellishments to the bag makes a natural look.  All done in a few hours of my leisure weekend.

Mum, "It's good to play seek and hide"

Mum, "Oh, no, it's my Felt Matters Bag".

Fit to carry my stuff for workshop........

or grocery shopping ......

It's sturdy, light but large also fit for my shopping, 

"Mum just done shopping and bought me treats.  I'm loving it. "

A bag simply with little adding makes difference.

 My OOAK bag - I'm loving it too.


  1. Charming - and really didn't take long, did it!

  2. Hello Terriea, you created a plain bag into a work of art. Very beautiful.. Hugs Judy

  3. I thought it looked like your cat :)

  4. Nice job Terrie! Also congratulations on being World of Wools Artist of the Month.. nice to see your happy smile on there :)
