

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Logwood dye & plant prints 洋蘇木印染

Last Dec I bought the logwood chips from Canada but only tried it yesterday.  I did the dyes and leaves prints on silk fabrics.
兩個月前從加拿大買回來的洋蘇木片昨日才試做印染, 有做單色扎染在絲料上, 也有夾著桉樹葉印, 兩種效果也明顯有色調, 如果加多一些洋蘇木及加熱時間效果會有分別, 容後再試.

This piece is bundled with euc leaves and boiled in logwood pot,  two contrast colors.

Last week I passed by the wood to have a lunch catch up with ex-colleagues.   Way to my former office is nice harbour view.  Found the blown off or windfalls of euc leaves along is bonus.  Can't resist to experiment with a bundle of leaves on silk.

I soaked a table spoon logwood chips in hot water overnight.  Added a tea spoon alum and a litre water.  Simmer the bundle for an hour.

Fabric edge in dye pot and tie lines got purple while the inside bundled leaves got brown to orange prints.

Since I just wanted to try logwood dye but not expected bold prints, thus simmer an hour only.  The leaves are not strong but still clear.

The purple tie lines are what I expected

A light scarf with shades is more than enough, also a good shade for the brat.

A light scarf round the neck in a spring breezy morning.
 For the first time experiment, color is not strong. Next time I will do more tie dyes to see the contrast.


  1. You got a lovely strong purple! Very pretty

  2. Terrie, your prints are so beautiful!

  3. It's always fun to experiment with new dyes.

  4. OHHHH, that purple is so pretty. Amazing colors from the things that nature casts off and lucky you to have the eye and good fortune to find them.
    (((HUGS))) Susanne :)

  5. What a lovely experiment - and you have such a good model, too...
