

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Styles of Scarf 植物印染圍巾

A scarf of both sides - wool and silk with natural prints.
Left is the wool side and the right  is silk of the same scarf.
一件圍巾, 兩種物料 -羊毛絨與絲料混合製作.
事原為了準備週末的植物印染課程,日前去新界拾了些桉樹及楓葉,加上祗可在花店才買到的桉樹葉和玫瑰花, 隨即動手剪了一小片較名貴的羊毛絨做印染,經過兩小時加熱, 清晰的葉印, 尤其有粉紅的玫瑰花使我喜出望外, 這塊羊毛絨料不常買到, 所以我祗用少許試驗, 我把這片羊毛絨車縫上一片早前印染的絲質料上, 就此成為一件兩質料、 兩款葉印 、多款被搭的圍巾。

Most prints on wool side are bold and impressive.

 These days I haven't done much natural prints since hooked on wool felt.  To prepare a natural print scarf workshop this weekend I bought euc cinerea and roses from florist and  went to the  bushes to pick some barks.  To my surprise there're lots blow off of euc and some maples. That triggered my juice of creation again.    I cut a small piece of the formerly bought quite expensive "boiled wool"for the experiment.

I put sorts of leaves on the  "boiled wool"  and bundle boiled for 2 hours.  Turnout is good  except the oak leaf is not impressive.

I was quite happy particularly the pink rose and outlines.

A closer look by Mogi

Rose, leaves and maple.

Unknown sort of euc and maples

Close up of prints on wool - rose, rose leaves, maples and brown & red from different sorts of euc.

Close up of prints on silk fabric with rose petals, rose leaves and euc silver dollar.

I found the prints of the "boiled wool" nice and decided  to make a long scarf with it.  I sewed the wool piece over the longer silk fabric with natural prints.  So a scarf of both wool and silk both with different prints. 

The wool piece is sewed on the silk fabric with  longer silk ends that make soft knot or draping.

Styles of the same piece of silk side

Styles of the same piece 

Mogi, "Mum  thanks for your viewing. Have a nice weekend ."


  1. Am enjoying your photos an story as always, dear terries... Looks like the boiled wool combo with silk is versatile as well as giving you a kind of reversible look!

    1. Thanks Ginny. It's always so lovely to have your comment.

  2. Great result! Beautiful eco printing!

  3. Lovely - fascinating to see how the different leaves produce such different effects!

  4. Lovely as always. I'm really fascinated by how your eco-dye turns out. I tried it once and I got not so good results!

    1. Thanks Agy. I got the results from trials and errors. May be you do again you'll get some nice prints also.

  5. Very elegant! They are all lovely prints.. the rose print is so delicate and pretty x

  6. Mogi has very good taste in fashion ;-) Very lovely....and the beautiful pink rose print is very impressive. Hope that you had a wonderful weekend.

    1. Thanks Dawn. Mogi is a naive naughty thing he brings us fun at times.

  7. I love how the rose left such a good impression and you can tell exactly what the flower is. I also love how you made the scarf long enough to wear it in a knot at the bottom. More clever ideas from your wonderful creative mind Terrie. Thank you for sharing. I always love to see what you have done and what is new.
    (((HUGS))) Susanne :)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. On your blog page about eco-printing a chiffon scarf, you said to boil the bundle in 1/4 cup or vinegar. Do you mean vinegar mixed with water to cover? or just steam in pure vinegar? Thank you so much for your help and inspiration, from here in California USA (where we have lots of eucalyptus!) -- Sylvia

    1. Sylvia, I boil the bundles in water mixed with vinegar. Do not just boil in vinegar. How great that you're in CA. Lots of euc to do.
