

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Blue scarf talk 圍巾話語

A week ago  I received email enquiry about nuno felt workshop from Zeinab whom I do not know before.  She searched internet and found me. She just moved to Hong Kong for 3 months and interested in nuno felt but not much info can be found here and asked if I can teach. I left her my studio address. Oh my goodness she lives next to my studio but we haven't met before. It's so nice we have a tutelage today. Zeinab and her daughter Layla came to my studio and made this nuno felt scarf.
收到電郵問及我會否教做nuno felt,一輪電郵溝通後我們定下日子及留下我的赤柱工作室地址,真巧合,原來學生Zeinab是剛來港定居已三個月,居住在我工作室左隣,因我少往工作室末曾相遇過,今日Zeinab及七歲的女兒 Layla來到做 nuno felt 圍巾,兩個多小時他們完成了漂亮質感圍巾及羊毛指環,小女孩好開心的捧著我送給他的鳥兒與羊兒,Zeinab 已約定下一次學做nuno felt 裙子給女兒。
A scarf of two sides, one of merino wool and the other with textural effect with chiffon base.
Mother and daughter activity on the first day of winter break
Merino wool and mulberry silk over silk chiffon
After an hour layering wool, next to do "rock n' roll".  
"Are you tired Layla?"
"Come on my little helping hands" 
Some more touch up for mum and playtime for daughter.....
A nuno felt scarf with textural effect is done in two hours
That's the color Zeniab adores.
In the meantime, I taught Layla to make a wool felt ring.
Mum made a scarf. Sweet little girl made the ring and went home with needle felted bird and sheep. I just love this gorgeous active sweetie. 
Thank you Zeinab and Layla. Hope to see you next time when I'm in my studio.
This is another student making a nuno felt scarf last week.
She incorporated wool yarn on the surface.
Another textural look. Just love the color of blue and purple.
What so coincidentally I received a package from my blog friend Susanne (Forget-Me-Not) from the US a day before. She's very good in crocheting and  so kind to send me a crocheted scarf and some crocheted balls for my cat. My cat likes the balls and I love the scarf.
Color of the scarf is pretty and goes so well in styles.
Suzanne, thank you so much for your thoughtfulness. We're warm enough in the chilly winter


  1. What a lovely post, once again..full of nice surprises-your new neighbor and her beautiful daughter, wonderful results and photos..and gifts..and of course, Mogi! Lovely to see you settling home again!!

    1. It's truly surprise and wonderful to have friends around interested in wool felt, nuno felt. So happy to share.

  2. I am so glad you got the package and the shawl/scarf. It can be worn many ways and I hope you get a chance to enjoy it. I sent you something in crochet because you mentioned that you do not crochet and so every girl needs some lacy crochet to wear. I am glad Mogi likes the little toy balls with the bells inside. You know you must be doing something right and of interest when people seek you out to learn from you. I think it is wonderful that you share your craft with others. You should start a business, honestly, you could make money and that would help you buy more fabric for what you love to do.
    Warm (((HUGS))) from Ohio, Susanne :)

    1. Susanne, your shawl/ scarf certainly a fancy wrap for me these days. We're into cold days. It's so easy and goes everything. I adore it so much. Thanks for encouraging me the business. Do wish I can run it one day. Love

  3. Some wonderful students, and a great teacher!

  4. I love all the scarves. It is a beautiful colour selected by Zeinab. What a wonderful gift from Susanne!

  5. beautiful scarf, I love the happy little girls photos, she is having so much fun.What a lovely gift you received, you wear it beautifully!

  6. Beautiful scarves! And look how happy Layla and Zeinab look! So much fun!

  7. What a beautiful scarf!! I love the colors and I love your cat too!! :) Happy Christmas
