

Friday, September 27, 2013

Woolly pots 羊毛器皿

 Recently I went to a ceramic exhibition.  The earthwares were quite impressive.  Have been doing some 3D wool felt vessels.  It come to my mind to make woolly vessels functional as ceramic vases or a home decoration.
最近參觀完一個跨媒體陶瓷展覽, 使我嘗試用一次兩層做法製作可盛水的羊毛有花瓶器皿, 同時有鏤空的層次感.

 I got inspired by these pots and made the grey one.
 Made a brownish/reddish one inspired by these  hallow lamps.
The wool vessels are made with two enclosed resists in one go.
 Finished, I call this "Living through...."
這個我稱之為 "生活穿越", 活的植物也可穿梭內外.
 This one I call it "On fire...."
這個嗎......, 我用洋蔥染得金紅的長曲羊毛當做火焰, 姑且稱為 "乾柴烈火".
什麼也好, 都是新嘗試, 小創作. 為我的家居多一件小擺設.
Stoppers are made for decoration
Actually a plastic bottle is inside to serve as a vase 
Vases for fresh flowers, ivy goes inside out.....

 I intended to put the onion dyed long curly fleee for the fire look.  Finished with branches thus call it "On fire".

I find the inner part of white looks better than all in grey
Anyway they're experiments of double resists

Range of 3D vessels I made

Is it really yummy, boy???


  1. It would seem Terrie that the felting can become anything you want it to be. You have quite the imagination and the list of possibilities seem endless for what you make. I like the fire woolly pot, it does look like fire and flame. The colors are gorgeous. Very pretty.
    Susanne :)

    1. Thanks Susanne, that's the versatility of wool can make the things wonderful.

  2. Ha, that last photo! The vessels look great, Terriea :)

  3. These are gorgeous - really effective!

  4. They are lovely Terrie, my favourite is the red one :)

  5. Lovely and creative vessels. Thank you for posting on Felt United, too.
