

Friday, July 26, 2013

Wool felt eco printed 2-bag, not too bad? 植物印染羊毛手袋

 In order to make the striking tie lines on flaps, I felted two purses and dyed the left one in avocado skin, pits + euc leaves and the other one in eucalyptus & barks pot.  Here are two bags, not too bad!?
This purse I made with white wool, a few long fleece and  nuno felted flowers on the top flap and lower bottom.  
 In the florist I found the silver dollar euc leaves with buds.  Can't resist to buy lots.
 I carefully cut the leaves and fixed with thread.
 Rolled up the bundle
 Boiled with euc leaves and barks
2 hours of boiling is my limited patience
 Opened it.  Ya, striking lines are what I expected. 
 Braided the silk strips (my not pretty printed fabrics)
 Stitched lining and magnet button
 All finished
 Striking marks of the very tight thread ties.  This is done in euc silver dollar + barks pot.
 This is done in avacado pot in the first hour but I found it's not so brown as wanted, then put some more euc leaves.  Lines are striking as wished.
A cross shoulder purse is made. The strap is detachable. 
 For cosmatics is also good
I'm quite happy to do something from scratch, even the strap is made with strips of fabric that iron dyed. 
Two bags, two different tones but same technique.


  1. The braided handles finish them off nicely!

  2. They are lovely Terrie. The euc leaves and tie lines on the fronts remind me of poppies in a golden field :) The braided handles finished them of beautifully.

  3. oh my aren't they beautiful, you have such a talent, you should put these for sale, they are amazing! I still use the book mark you gave me everyday, I thank you for that,

    1. Thanks Laurie, you mean so much to me. May be one day I've my stuff sold. Hope so ~.~

  4. You are a whiz, so busy with your wool. I feel like a snail compared to you. I agree, and have said you should sell your beautiful things.
    (((HUGS))) Susanne :)

  5. Two beautiful bags!!! Love the braided strap.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Gorgeous bags....I love them both!!! Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful creations.

  8. THanks for explaining how you did this - I'm off to the florist!
