

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Cat prints 貓語

Cat walk -  can you see it ?

These days I've only cats and leaves in my mind - even doing eco prints with the idea of cats.  After I can control the leaf prints I started to sketch a picture with leaves and made it a tote bag.
這些日子鍥而不捨的要做到好一點的植物印染, 經過無數次的嘗試與失敗, 終於在老公大人的提點後在鐵質媒染上控制到清晰的效果, 他取笑說我日以繼夜, 夜以繼日的 "剪布" 做實驗 !  我想像用葉子構圖做了這個絲質布袋, 你看到
"叢林中的貓兒" 嗎?
A tote bag is made with both sides botanic prints, the top and the handles are also of eco prints.  I call this " A cat walking in the brush".

The cat shape is indeed cut from euc leaf

Below is how I made it 

Open the mirror fold
 All leaves are iron mordant except the middle one of orange

 Made two bundles.  See the different cats.

 I'm quite pleased with this experiment - bold, strong and sharp.
Cats cats cats, Mogi is my inspiration. 

This tote bag is small but still good for grocery shopping or whatever purposes.
I'm addicted to botanic prints. Spent quite some efforts and materials on experiments, not only to myself. When I almost daunted my husband gave me lots advice on iron mordant.  Without his support I wouldn't have achieved this pleasing outcome.  Thanks also for his gift of many yards of silk fabric on my birthday.  
On my day, I pamper myself a 3-week to Spain / Portugal for the wool extravagaza and get together with brilliant friends.
Hit my road tomorrow but not with Mogi....


  1. how exciting, Spain, that will be wonderful!
    I love the clean crispness of this echo print, the cats are such a lovely addition, Mogi looks on with approval, lol, happy belated birthday and have a wonderful trip, I can't wait until you tell us all about it!

    1. Thanks Laurie. Thanks for the wishes. Not late just today is my date. Wish I could print owls with leaves. Love you paintings !

  2. Sorry to ahve missed your birthday! These are marvelous-i can't think of a better combination of plant printing and cats; and you know I love your work and your inspiration, Mogi! Have a great time. I
    ll look forward to seeing pix again of your travels.

    1. Ginny, you mean so much to me. Today is just my date, no belated. Thanks for the wishes. Say hi from Spain / Portugal next.

  3. It would be interesting also to use the leaf you cut the cat shape out of and get a "negative shape" so the cat emerges from the background...

  4. Beautiful work as alwaysx sorry to have missed hour birthday. Always look at your work but sorry don't always havre time to commentxx you will love Spain xxlynda

  5. LOVE the cat prints Terrie! They turned out really well!
    Have a wonderful time in Spain & Portugal, look forward to hearing all about it :)
    Safe travels.. and belated happy birthday wishes

    1. Thank you Deberah for the wishes. Today's just my date. In a couple of days I'm meeting my brilliant friends. Thrilled !

  6. Happy belated birthday and best wishes for much joy throughout the whole year.

    Could I ask one question....I notice that you wrap plastic before rolling your bundle up. Probably a silly question, but is that to keep the prints sharp, from bleeding through? Thanks so much.

    Safe travels and have a wonderful time in Spain!

    1. Thank you Dawn for the wishes. Today's just the date, not belated. Quite a happy day. In a couple of days I'm meeting Heather then Nicola and other brilliant friends. Can't wait.

      Not a silly question. Yes, the thin kitchen plastic sheet is heat resist and intended to prevent penetrate breeding if you want individual prints.

    2. Thanks a million! That's brilliant as Nicola would say ;-)

      Any tips on dyeing with mushrooms....picked a bundle from a friend's yard. She told me to come over anytime and weed her gardens ;-))).

      So happy that you're soon to see such good friends...I know that you will have a grand time!!!!! Safe and happy travels to you.

  7. Happy Birthday, again Terreia, and Bon Voyage to Portugal! Have a great time. I have a question, too. What type of silk did you use? I am not getting these strong, beautiful colors on silk, only on wool. Irit says some silks won't print, and I have learned that in my experiments. What type is this? Also, like Dawn I notice that you wrap your stick with plastic. Is that to protect the color transfer from the stick to the cloth? I told you before that I love your pristine white background. Does that come from the protective plastic? Oh, lots of questions. Sorry for that on your Birthday! Hugs from California...

  8. Thank you Cassandra. The silk is something like gorgette or stretch chiffon. That's the 100% pure silk, a bit thicke then soft chiffon. I don't know what mm. I use heat resist kitchen sheet is to protect individual prints, no breeding penetrate from ones to ones. I usually use the very hard paper core (the paper core of kitchen plastic plastic roll) to roll up fabric because after bundled I can bend it and make it tight and smaller to fit my boiling pot. Any question I'm pleased to share.

  9. Terreia you are a "peach". Just what I needed to know, and when. Have a super time with Nicola and Heather. Wish I could be there to enjoy the great felting experience and the beauty of Portugal with all of you.

  10. Viva, Terrie !!! Maravillosas estampas. Gracias por compartir. Feliz Cumpleaños.. feliz vida :)

  11. love the mogi :)

  12. What a beautiful kitty-Kat ....

  13. I love the kitty print! I love reading your blog Terrie and thank you for sharing information with all of us! Did you purchase the plastic wrap in a grocery store section? Like plastic wrap to cover plates with? I live in the US and would love to find a similar product. Have a great trip and belated Happy Birthday!

    1. Thanks Carol, yes just those simple plastic wraps. Those turkey bags are not so good since they would absorb some leaves color so I just take the thin heat resist wraps.

    2. Thank you for the info! I tried the wrap that I have at home and it worked well. You use a rice steamer, right? What type do you have? I have a friend that steams her silk scarves in one (she uses acid dye I think, or MX). I am going to buy one. I have been steaming mine in the microwave or on the stove top.

    3. Carol, nice that you made it. The electric rice cooker is Philips but any one you can use . Sometimes National or Panasonic are good. I just use the old ones that no longer for food cooking. Now I am in Portgal for a wool felt event. S much to learn so much want to do. Hope to post later.
