

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Such bright prints 學生印染製作

The bright red of eucalyptus cinerea is what Windy wants. Yes, we're doing eco print workshop.
再一次與缸瓦舖工作室合辦植物印染及nuno felt 襟花製作。  這一堂是著重色調層次及扎染技巧,  用的是幾種桉樹葉、 楓葉及玫瑰葉。 三個多小時包包扎扎、 閒談、 看書、做襟花或逛街回來,學生拆開包扎物,且看他們的效果 ....... 
Different sorts of euc leaves on silk chiffon. Some were dipped in iron mordant water.

Students each done two pieces, one with kitchen wrap resist, one without so as to have overlapped and string marks.

After two hours boiling, excited to unbundle ........

Bright is bright - "silver dollar" euc leaves are amazing.

Brown, dark, red, green......iron dipped leaves with dark prints, rose leaves remain green.
紅的紅, 綠的綠, 啡的啡, 黑的黑......

Helping hands for my captures

Shades of rose leaves  
Iron mordant leaves with darker prints 
Green rose leaves without iron mordant 
Each has two pieces done. String marks on both ends are their expectation.

While boiling the bundles, nuno felt flowers were made. 
期間同學做的nuno felt 襟花, 技巧是羊毛混輕紗無須針線製作的花瓣結合.
We used bubble resist with centre holes cut off, so the petals are attached without thread.  A loop at the back is also done in one go.  The brooch goes well with cloths, scarf or handbag 
Thanks gals for joining my class in a Sunday afternoon.   
 Eco printing is such a wonderful thing that we can not expect too much the outcome but each is unique and natural.  
謝謝同學們一次又一次的跟我研習羊毛及印染手藝, 你們的每一件製作都那麼獨特 !


  1. A successful day - those felt flowers are lovely!

  2. Wonderful work from your student and a proud teacher:)

  3. I think it's so great that you are teaching others your art!

  4. Always love to see your work, Terrie; and great to see the workshops you teach and the fine results of your students..and such varied pieces-the eco print silks and the felted flowers! What did Mogi think?

    1. Thanks Ginny. Teaching is also way to learn and improve myself. Mogi's glad that I bury myself in hobbies, otherwise I'd always comb his hair which he doesn't like !!
