

Friday, April 26, 2013

Sheep on a stone 石頭上的羊兒

Sheep on pasture are cute but we're in Hong Kong don't have large pastures....
香港沒有草原, 羊兒低頭吃草祗是故事書的插圖, 這是我以羊毛包著石頭針氈羊兒的小擺設.
香港市中心有如石屎深林, 但不遠處又有怡人景緻, 昨日刻意去摩星嶺觀賞日落景色..... 
In urban we're surrounded by high rises.  Sheep wandering on rock only.

Just behind my apartment is a big stone - The Lovers' Rock - people warship for lovers. 
We don't have pastures, we've a beautiful harbour with stuning sunset.  Yesterday I went to the Western just wanted to see it. 
Wave washed the rocks. 

Watched for 30-min till it's gone.

Back home for girl's piano.  The wool felted stone is a paper weight.

I wrapped the stone with wool and needle felted the sheep.   It's easy to make.
Thanks Lisa (lil fish studio) for sharing the wool felted stone tutorial.


  1. you have a beautiful surroundings its amazing, lovely sheep on rock paper weight, looks beautiful in any setting,

  2. That must be really difficult to do! I tried needling over a bamboo tile and it looks awful :)
    It's really lovely, nice sheep :)
