

Friday, March 15, 2013

Nuno felt reversible top 雙面羊毛混絲上衣

It come to my mind why not make a nuno felt top with the other side to try eco print.  This is what I made.  Front look and reverse.
很用心的用我自行印染的雪紡碎料做了這件混絲羊毛背心, 可雙面穿, 我要在白色的內層以植物印染, 效果可能未如理想, 但我仍要嘗試.   
Back and reverse
Materials are lace for neckline, chiffon scraps of my eucalyptus eco prints, merino wool and own degummed mulberry silk. 
For the textural surface I put the chiffon scraps and scattered mulberry silk on the front. 
"Oh, my supervisor... Is it alright?" 
I've to concentrate on my work....... but.... 
This little thing ..... what drew your attention?  Indeed he always interrupts my attention with funny acts. 
How sweet Mogi you keep me company.  Anyway after almost 4 hours I finished it. 
A nuno felt top with chiffon base, chiffon textural surface, lace neckline and manipulated with little raw Teeswater fleece on shoulders. 
Back look 
Close up of textural surface 
It's my expectation 
White of reverse is fine.  It's good enough as it is.  To make eco print I may take the risk to have a mess as outcome may not be as expected but I decided to do  with the eucalyptus globulus from my US nice friend Melinda. 
After boiling for 1.5 hours the bundle got dark brown. Who knows how it looks?
A mess? Unexpected?
Reveal until next post.


  1. Hi Terrie,
    This looks so great, the colours I love, the ruffling, so beautiful, I realy love this piece, and the photos from your workplace, sooooooo nice, one would like too shill there, love your car to, lovely photos. Best wishes from Janine

  2. oh my its lovely! So delicate and feminine, I can't wait for the reveal next time!

  3. i am so excited what will it be....

  4. Beautiful! I like natural colours and textures.

  5. Woow, this is beautiful. I love it.
    Grt. Mattie

  6. Fabulous!!! Love the shoulder draping curls!! You are ready to open up a boutique girl!! :)

  7. So great to see the process. Did you use merino..maybe you said and in my excitement to see all the parts and of course to see Mogi, I may ahve lost track; this is lovely and a fine tutorial as well..as it is..will be waiting for the reveal of the dark brown bundle!!

    1. Ginny, yes I used merino 21-micro, You'll see the new prints shortly. Thanks for coming.

  8. Terrie I believe this has got to be the prettiest thing you have made so far. Now that you are retired and can concentrate on your craft we will see more lovely things made by you. You should open a shop and you could sell your beautiful things. They are all one of a kind items and since no two are alike you could put the price you want on them and earn a nice nest egg while doing what you love to do. It would never seem like work at all. So how are you liking your retirement? Your cat is so sweet and so cute, playful and well loved for sure a good friend to keep you company.
    Love you, (((HUGS)))
    Susanne :)

    1. Susanne you are so sweet. I enjoy my retirement and doing experiments to see the new skills. Opening a shop is too good to be true. Wish I could sell my stuffs someday.

  9. Great! I've pinned two photos! I'm Arte Creattiva on Pinterest!
    Carmen from Italy

  10. Wow Terri this is absolutey beautiful, love the colors and the whole top looks so delicate and pretty. So gorgeous :)

  11. Love all the textures Terrie! Can't wait to see the unwrapped bundle :)

  12. It certainly looked good at the early stage! I'm sure it will turn out well..
