

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Eco print wool sweater 植物印染羊毛衣

Can't resist to do again eco prints on wool sweater with a good buy!
在成衣出口店祗是HK$20買了一件簇新羊毛襯衣, 這麼便宜, 怎能抗拒做我的植物印染實驗?
Bought a brand new wool sweater on bargain sale at only 2 euro. 
 Got a bag of rose leaves from a florist and plucked the eucalyptus leaves. 
 I dipped rose leaves in my iron mordant water and brushed a little vinegar over the eucalyptus leaves.  Rolled up and bundle boiled for an hour. 
Here come the prints. 
Bright and bold prints of fresh euc leaves. 
Khaki of rose leaves 
String marks on the botton 
I intended to do the prints with euc on the left with sleeve overlap on it 
Though the rose leaves are not that dark as I expected, it's worth to explore my experiment with a only 2 euro sweater.


  1. Wunderful!!!!! So great! i love your work, justtttttt greattttttt!

  2. That sweater looks a lot more expensive now!

  3. Oh Terrie! This is stunning!! The back is really extra nice...wonder how it would look if the entire sweater was the lighter leaves? Either way, everything you do is phenomenal!!

    1. MaryL, thanks again for stopping by and the sweet comments. Thought prints with lighter leaves will have pastel look. I tried to visit your blog but couldn't find. Please send me the link.

  4. Wow, that looks great, I love the bottom at the back :)

  5. You turned a 2 EU sweater into a 100 EU sweater!

  6. I never get tired of seeing your pretty, pretty, pretty projects. No 2 are alike and always something new to see. Love it!
    (((HUGS))) Susanne :)

  7. Wow ! This sweater is now a unique work of art !!!
    You really did a wonderful job ! S sorry to say I never really succeeded
    in making good prints with eucalyptus leaves :-( (they don't grow here)

  8. Very interesting effect
    and I wondered what to do with my old and favorite swestrem
    The fact that it is gray but your experiments inspired me. thank you :):)
