

Friday, February 22, 2013

Beret made in a jaunt 閒作帽子

Mogi, "Mum made this beret with inspiration from a friend.  How she come up the idea?"
 Starting my leisure and relaxing life 2013, last week I'd a jaunt to my brother's holiday house in the nearby coastal city.   
2013開始我的悠閒日子, 日前在哥哥鄰近城市的渡假屋遊山玩水, 踏單車, 還有做針織...... 實驗我的羊毛帽子創作.....
We went up the hill for the panoramic view.......
Down to the sea for a strolling.....

Cycling in the beautiful field....
 A lazy afternoon for knitting..... 

 I'm far behind doing knitting.  Since Melinda taught me last month in the US, I told myself I must make something with mixed medium -  wool felt & knitting. 
Here it is....
 I knitted the simple "round net" enclosed the resist, put the merino wool and silk scraps on the top with spikes in the middle.  Round enclosed the rim with merino wool as well.  Done the rubbing and felting as usual. 
 The yarn is not wool though also felted.  To secure it I machine sewed it freely.
 Finished look with nuno felt surface
Making a whole wool felt beret is faster than knit & felt.  Yet I wanted to have a go.  Thought this is unique with mixed medium.   
 How it looks on my girl?
 It speaks itself.....
How it looks on Mogi?  Mogi said "it's good !"
Thank you Melinda, you inspired me knitting !
Linking with fromdreamtoreality
Linking with CreativePrincess


  1. How very creative and it's beautiful! I love it on Moji and he did a great job in posing for mummy. Aren't you glad you have all the time in the world to explore and experiment with your passion!

  2. Świetne przeobrażenie beretu. Muszę stwierdzić, że na ostatnim modelu prezentuje się najlepiej.
    U Ciebie kwitną kwiaty i jest mgła. U nas pada śnieg, mam nadzieję, że ostatni w tym roku.

  3. beautiful new creations, such a lovely photo of you knitting and also lovely photos of your beautiful daughter and lovely mogi,

  4. It's lovely - a delightful idea!

  5. Terriea--For a new knitter, you sure are accomplished!
    I love the 'combo' project. It looks wonderful on your girl and I think it looks super cute on Mogi, too! :)
    I'm glad that you've had some time to relax lately, too! XXO-

  6. Ha, that last photo made me smile :)
    I wish I could knit or crochet.

  7. Lovely beret Terrie.. love the knit / felt combo - and with spikes too! Great work!
    Mogi looks so adorable :)

  8. Thank you ladies. Combo works are wonderful experiment.

  9. You create the most unique pieces... LOVE IT!!

    Thanks for sharing this at The DIY Dreamer last week. Can't wait to see what you link up tomorrow evening! Have a great day!!
