

Monday, February 25, 2013

Eco print ref book 植物印染參考

Recent experiments of different leaves on different papers......
Mogi, "mum has made a eco print book for her ref."

A little journal with nuno felt cover,  with a paper of eco printed leaf sewed on it.

Inside cover of nuno felt texture.

 Pages are marked with leaves and sorts of papers used for the experiment.
 Intended to put some rose petals over the leaves to make some pink marks.  Different sorts of leaves picked from the mountain behind my apartment were tried.
But not all got nice prints.  Ferms have no clear color or outlines. 
 Among all, the paper bark tree, eucalyptus cinerea and maple are quite good on some sorts of papers.
 With iron mordanted lines, they look pretty.
 Windfalls of this sort of euc leaf is very nice.
 Outlines of paper-bark tree are sharp.
Maple is good. 
 Here are the steps of making. 
 After placing the leaves on papers, steamed and binded the signatures.  Made the nuno felt cover. sewed the paper cover of leaf print.  A little journal is made. 
  Not all the pages are nice. I marked the species and paper used.  That's a good ref. for my sourcing local leaves to make paper prints.
 Over the weekend with hubby we walked up and down the mountain, to the sea shore, picked some local leaves to do another experiments for my upcoming eco print journal. 

 This is my ref. book of eco print.....
 a journal for my path of eco print..........

Mogi, "mum, that's enough I'm tired......."
- Well, until next time.....  THANK YOU all !
Linking with thebusybee's party
Linking with adored fromabove party
Linking with finecraftguild party

Friday, February 22, 2013

Beret made in a jaunt 閒作帽子

Mogi, "Mum made this beret with inspiration from a friend.  How she come up the idea?"
 Starting my leisure and relaxing life 2013, last week I'd a jaunt to my brother's holiday house in the nearby coastal city.   
2013開始我的悠閒日子, 日前在哥哥鄰近城市的渡假屋遊山玩水, 踏單車, 還有做針織...... 實驗我的羊毛帽子創作.....
We went up the hill for the panoramic view.......
Down to the sea for a strolling.....

Cycling in the beautiful field....
 A lazy afternoon for knitting..... 

 I'm far behind doing knitting.  Since Melinda taught me last month in the US, I told myself I must make something with mixed medium -  wool felt & knitting. 
Here it is....
 I knitted the simple "round net" enclosed the resist, put the merino wool and silk scraps on the top with spikes in the middle.  Round enclosed the rim with merino wool as well.  Done the rubbing and felting as usual. 
 The yarn is not wool though also felted.  To secure it I machine sewed it freely.
 Finished look with nuno felt surface
Making a whole wool felt beret is faster than knit & felt.  Yet I wanted to have a go.  Thought this is unique with mixed medium.   
 How it looks on my girl?
 It speaks itself.....
How it looks on Mogi?  Mogi said "it's good !"
Thank you Melinda, you inspired me knitting !
Linking with fromdreamtoreality
Linking with CreativePrincess

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Wool painted iPhone case 畫意手機套

A wool felt iPhone case for a green lady Melinda.  The day I stayed in her house she found my wool felt iPhone pouch with a black cat was cute.  Her big cat Pogue is also a black cat.  She loves the idea with it.
When I back to Hong Kong I made one with the instruction of a PDF tutorial I bought from  Reneto.  The  PDF tutorial is easy for follow, a pouch is made in an hour.
See the huge black cat Pogue !
I love cats, black cat's mysterious look I adore very much.  The first midnight I stayed in Melinda's, the black hand scratched and pushed the door entering the room.  See his sparkling eyes when I discoved him.
The iPhone case base is made with merino wool, one side of poppies, the other side of black cat. A beaded knot is for easy opening.
Poppies are easier to make compare with other flowers
The Teeswater raw fleece adds textural touch.  Melinda said her cat goes out to the neigbour and back home at night.  I made this  "Cat anticipating a neighbour".
Talking about Reneto's PDF tutorial.  Her handbags with wool paintings caught my sight.  I tried hard to do it myself but no good.  I ordered from Etsy her PDF file and followed, well..... that's the skill I learnt.  This little purse though not pretty but I got the way of making the handle and painting.    
With the techniques learnt from the file I can make something like this.    It's easy just a click I can copy the PDF file to anyone or resell the file BUT we artisans well aware the code of conduct.  That's the copyright, the infringement, the intellectual property we have to respect.  All my friends well aware of this, they never asked me to make copies nor I'll do.  That's very generous of Reneta.  She said I can even sell the stuff  made according to the skills of the file purchased.  That's very kind of her.  I'm not up to scratch of selling yet.  Just for a giveaway to dear friends.
Melinda, you're so kind and generous to give me these beautiful wool good for painting.  You made me a colourful day !
HaPpY HapPy BIRTHDAY Melinda !

Friday, February 15, 2013

Incidental outcome 錯有錯著的效果

"Blue, blue, mum never blue.....  how come mum made it blue", Mogi curious.
何以天然印染的白色羊毛衣有藍染 ?
A wool top of prints of eucalytus leaves with blue background.  How come?
Digged my wardrobe to do eco print experiments, I found this wool top with a blue stripe.
Placed the rose leave, eucalyptus leaves and twigs. rolled up and tied a bundle.  Boiled for an hour.  Oh my God....... it's breeding.... "blue blood".

The blue tie stripe was breeding and made the whole bundle blue.  Fortunately the leaves marks are still clear.

Thought it's the chemical dye of blue that made the eucalyptus leaves from red to dark. Oak leaf is same usual dark.
Twigs outlines are clear and bold.
Rose leaf is clear.

Tie marks on shoulder.
Mogi, "haha.... mum, you can't claim this is eco dye...."

Mogi, "no eye see it, mum should mind any color other than white when doing prints."
The accidental outcome is not too bad but it's not my idea of eco print.  Anyway, a lesson to learn.
這是錯有錯著的效果, 但我不能說是天然印染, 下次我要特別留意不可混有其他顏色做印染.