

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Treasury box 寶盒

The long and curly Wenslaydale fleece is my fav. I made a wool felt box with it.
A little treasury box for my goodies.
Put the LED lamps in, it's a glowing box.
Steps of making:
1. It's made with merino wool, Wenslaydale fleece and silk strings.
2. Enclosed the foam resist.
3.  Put the curly fleece on the top wrapped with plastic sheet as not to felt it.
4. Final rolled with a bamboo mat
5. Cut the lid and full it well, then finished.
Finally I embellished with some glass beads.
It looks better, isn't it?
Linking with HomeAcreHop
Linking with DreamToReality


  1. Enchanting - and the LEDs create a wonderful glow.

  2. Just beautiful!! And I wanted to say how happy I am for you in your new found freedom... being retired and free to be creative as much as you want! :)))

  3. Hope your retirement from your job is going well. Love the box and love it even more with the beads added.Hope your New Year is a happy one.
    (((HUGS))) Susanne :)

  4. Gorgeous! I've never thought of using colour change LEDs.. love the effect

  5. beautiful! The light creates magic!

  6. that's wonderful Terrie. The lights make the box magic as well as the beads and locks do, it also looks great with the pearls and jewelleries inside.

  7. So pretty! Thanks for sharing on The HomeAcre Hop!
