

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Mid of California trip

My wild fleece manupilation and eco print workshops in Monterey wrapped up with the stunning sun rise walk. After the workshop I walked in the early morning to the seashore just wanted to capture the  beautifull view.  Really stunning.  I'm in the mid of my California trip.  Workshop was so inspired with brilliant teachers Vilte and Irit.  I've done some pieces shown below.  I enjoyed so much my stay with my friend Melinda and a nice catching up with ex-colleague Monita.  They're so thoughtful and kind to show me around. We walked around the lake,  along the creek and picked some windfalls for eco print......  Tomorrow I'm heading to San Francisco and stay behind for a few days for self exploring and relatives visit.  I will remember my friends in the States.  When I back home I will post some more about the fabulous workshop.


  1. Terriea--I'm so happy to see these lovely photos and hear about your trip. It looks like you've made some beautiful things (again)! :)
    I'm looking forward to reading more posts from you, once you're home again. Safe travels!

  2. It seems like you've had a wonderful and creative adventure!

  3. Gorgeous sunrise photos! I'm glad you are having such a great time with your friends and creating beautiful things.

  4. Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful photos and marvelous workshop with Irit and Vilte for those of us who so wish that we could have been there. It must have been amazing!!!!! Can't wait to see more photos...I'll be anxously awaiting by my computer ;-))

    1. Thanks Dawn. Will surly love to share the inspiring works. Now in San Fran. Very nice weather here.
