

Friday, January 11, 2013

Eco dyed wool box 植物印染羊毛盒子

A wool felt box dyed in a pot with iron water and euc leaves.
The box was originally made with white Wenslaydale fleece.  Lid enclosed with a shell and some glass beads embellished.  Looks fine but I wanted to experiment with dye effect.

See the above before & after.
I put the euc leaves inside the box, tied with string and boiled for an hour in the pot with some euc leaves.
The outcome is not as expected, leaves are not bold or clear but the string marks on wool are obvious and the whole piece looks solid.
Anyway this is the trial I can't predict.  Have to appreciate the process and the outcome of natural print. 
A few hours later I'm off to California for the workshops of wild fleece manipulation by Vilte and eco print by Irit.  I'm thrilled for these sessions.  Their works are amazing and truly what I anticipate to learn.  I've no patience to wait for my bundles.  Always open it the next day after boiling.  Since I'm out town for almost half a month, today I made a few bundles and a batch of papers for leaves print.  They're now on the rack.  I'll only open them after a fortnight.  Hope they'll give me surprise prints.
Until next time I'll post what I've learnt from Monterey.
Linking with KatherinesCorner


  1. These little boxes are too sweet. I'm sorry you're disappointed with some of the results - dyeing is always a hit or miss process for me!

  2. These boxes are so unique!!! Lucky girl to go to California and learn at the same time. My two favorite past times.
    Laurie @ Pride in Photos

  3. Too cute! Found you on Katherine's corner and I would love to have you share this on The HomeAcre Hop!

  4. You always amaze me with what you do with Eco dyed wool! The box is so cute.
    Have a wonderful time learn new techniques in California.

  5. this is such a unique creation, absolutely amazing, a treasure!

  6. How wonderful that you're headed off to another wonderful workshop...and with the two teachers who most 'speak to ' your current passions, too! I know that you will have a wonderful trip and learn so much!! Safe travels, my friend! XXO

    1. Thanks Heather, wave my hands from California . Very good weather here.

  7. very creative. Thank you for sharing st the hop xo
