

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Nuno felt wrap making 羊毛被肩製作

A white nuno felt wrap was made with Gotland locks, merino wool and chiffon base.......
我實驗做一件羊毛被肩然後以桉樹印染, 效果
未如理想, 我還要跟大師學藝,  Vilte 及 Irit 一月份在加州的工作坊豈容錯過? 馬上報名, 巴不得此刻飛去.  這件製作由白轉橙的羊毛被肩這個冬天可有什麼用場 ?
with the helping hands of Mogi.
White locks are what I love but this is an experiment I have to turn it with some color. Going to make the euc leaves eco prints with iron mordanted.  If it turned to nasty it will be Mogi's blanket for this winter.  Well, have a go now.......
After an hour boiling, it turned out to this look.......
Not that good as I expected.  I wanted the different shades of color but none. 
Still a soft wrap.....
Be it a wrap for my girl ?
Mogi, "ZZZZZzzzzzzzzzz, having a dream.......    hmmmmm, so soft"
Or a blanket for my pet? 
Mogi finds it's good for himself in the sun.
Must admit this is not my expection. 
I love this - photo source from Vilte
Indeed I wanted to achieve the outcome like this shawl developed by Vilte whose works are facinating.  Vilte and Irit will be running workshops in California in Jan for the wild fibre manipulation into nuno felt and eco print.  Can't resist and already signed up for the workshop. You'll see the blogs of Vilte and Irit for their amazing creations.  Can't wait to learn from them the alchemy !
Linking to PetalstoPicots


  1. I think its lovely, Mogi is one very lucky kitty! How exciting another workshop, your skills just keep increasing, beautiful work!

  2. That is one lovely wrap - it doesn't look like a failure to me. Well done :-)

  3. I think that your wrap is beautiful Terrie!
    I know that sometimes it's hard to distance ourselves from what we wanted to happen, and see the loveliness of what did happen.
    I wish that I was going to the Irit/Vilte workshops! So close to me (well, closer than Cypress!). You'll learn so much.... and have a wonderful time too!

  4. Beautiful work Terrie. It looks so pretty. I bet it is warm and comfy too. I love your little furry helper:)
