

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Work-life balance to make a scarf 秋日圍巾製作

 Other than bustle and hustle, work-life balance is what we needed.  Colleagues are interested in nuno felt, I'm most happy to give a free class.  This weekend they made these nuno felt scarves with the stunning view outside.
營營役役每天工作, 生活也該作些平衡, 是日與幾位同事分享製作nuno felt 的樂趣, 他們自己獨特的圍巾該是今秋可弦耀的手作.
Our office is in remote territories with brilliant views.  I've seen dophines once !!
 First I taught them to make running stitches of flowers with my own dyed silk scraps.
Put the flowers on the silk base with merino wool.  This made the textural effect afterwards.

 After rolling and rubbing.....
 Peeled off to make the ruffles on the back.
 Flower closure to go with the scarf.  A set is done.
Linking with Debbiedoo's Party


  1. They are all beautiful . . . I loved the yellow!

  2. There you are so generously sharing your talents with others. Each scarf is different and as lovely as the next! Great job, ladies!

    1. Oh Terrie, these are all so beautiful, so great of you to share your talent and skill with others. You also have such a great view to look at from work.
      Thanks for stopping by my blog.
      Have a great week,

  3. Terrie those are beautiful! How sweet of you to teach the girls in your office! And what a lovely view! Looks like all of your students there were great!

  4. What terrific projects, Terriea...and each is as different as its maker!! XO-

  5. Your students did well and made lovely scarfs. The flowers added a nice touch and the colors are so pretty. I bet the girls in your office love you, good teacher!
    (((HUGS))) Susanne :)

  6. Terrie these are simply gorgeous. The colors are fab and the girls look so lovely wearing them. Thanks so much for joining me.

  7. Wow! I love things that are a bit different, and these certainly fit the bill! Very creative and feminine. You're a sweetheart to teach your co-workers this skill.

  8. I forgot to mention that Mogi looks VERY similar to the cat I mentioned in my recent post. He was a shaded silver and simply gorgeous too!

  9. Beautiful scarves. I think the lemon is my favorite. x Julie

  10. Uauuu!!!

    Beatiful scarves!
    My favorite is the violet.

    Have a nice day!

  11. These are beautiful! :) (Also love your cat in the header, what a cutie!)

  12. Oh gorgeous scarves, i love the orange and the lemon one but they are all beautiful xo
