

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Sustainability of eco print 可持續發展的植物印染

 My class of eco print and wool felt scarf held yesterday.  Students were brilliant to have made each 2 pieces of silk and a wool felt scarf with leaves bundles. 
 昨晚 的「環保植物印染」工作坊,學生先製作好白色羊毛圍巾,隨後把葉子放上羊毛圍巾及絲質布料上,分別扎緊,在鍋子煲1.5小時,過一晚上,拆開便是明亮葉子圖形.   
 While the silk fabrics were in the vinegar water, students began the wool felt scarf with whitle merino wool. 
 When the wool felt scarf was completed, they designed the layout of leaves over the scarves. 
 Bundles look like rice dumplings.
 After boiling and stayed for some 7 hours. Got the reddish/orange leaves prints
 Mogi, "I like the yummy color ....
huum.....and the fragrance!"

 Eucalyptus is a good ingredient in eco dye. Some give red, some brown, some green,  the euc cinerea  always come red.  We also used rose leaves to have some greenish.  They made it, a scarf, a shawl or a wrap, whatever purpose you want, may be a table runner ? 
Below are their wonderful creations.
A silk scarf
A wool felt wrap
A wool felt scarf or a table running
A light silk wrap
A yummy chiffon scarf

 Prints on silk are soft.
 Prints on wool are stronger. 
Thanks for students joining my class.  It's a Tue evening, a working day.  They
keen on learning and have the passion of handmade stuff. I'm happy to share.  Do hope to promote the concept of sustainability and awareness of natural dyes. 
 Mogi, "Mum, are you serious in the mission?  Looks like you bury deep in dyeing. "
Eco dye is amazing.  With the combination of iron, sometimes painting effects can be achieved.  Will post my recent experiments shortly.


  1. wowww how creative love the print

  2. Gorgeous - and we're looking forward to all your experiments!

  3. Terry!

    I love your work, the colors!
    And your cat is beatifull too!

  4. Thanks for sharing your students beautiful work, Terrie..they've got a fine and dedicated teacher, too! Am also interested in your experiements with iron..And Mogi does seem to be an important part of all this, even if he is wondering about his mum!

  5. Nice and informative again. I think your students can be happy to have such a great teacher. I am looking forward to see more of your work.

  6. Terriea--Soon you will be traveling the globe, no longer taking classes, only giving them!! Congratulations on another wonderful class...your students' projects are lovely and you are an amazing teacher. (I should know!!!) XXO-

    1. Heather, I wish travelling the globe to meet you again and learn from you. There're thousand new skills to discover. Loving you ~.~.

  7. Wow! The colours are so beautiful. And so is Mogi! I'm now a follower through GFC.
    Tuula :)

  8. Your students are already creating beautiful garments!

  9. You have such a good eye for making use of things that others would just walk right on past and not give any thought to. Your students are so lucky to have a teacher who is so creative and willing to share her skills. The scarves are so simple yet so elegant at the same time. Wonderful!!!!!!
    (((HUGS))) Susanne :)

  10. Beautiful talent and beautiful cat!
