

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Story of a binding book 手作小本子

 Inspired by others, I started eco print.  The more I find the wonder of leaves, the more I want to dig and experiment.
 從喜愛植物印染織物到現在用簡單加熱法將葉紋印在紙質上這是我的新嘗試, 繼而做了這小本子.
 In the past I tried leaves prints on fabrics. Now I love the subtle prints on paper.  Just  done some and made a little book with the felted covers. 
 See how it's made.....
1. Last week after lunch with colleages in the cafe near offices, I picked some wild yellow daisy, some leaves of  Melaleuca tree (paper-bark tree) , maple leaves  and blew off euc leaves. 
 2. I wet the conqueror paper and sandwiched the leaves. 
3 - 4.  All clamped and boiled in a thermo pot for an hour and stayed overnight. 

 Prints of Melaleuca are quite brown, euc leaves are bold and yellow daisy is quite obvious. 
 I also put on some other leaves of euc cinera (round ones).  I thought to have some red prints as on silk fabric but it didn't, only yellewish.  Believe due to silk is of protein.  Paper is of different materials. 
 Flat drying
Wondering what to do with these papers.
 Come to my mind to make a little book with a felted cover. 
This isthe binding book made with little curly wool fleece and...... 
 Oh, sorry I didn't alert you the cover is made with my cat's hair.  Please don't find it weird.   My cat's hair is clean and soft as merino wool. Every day I comb and save it.
Base of the cover is of chiffon, layered with cat's hair and wrapped the cardboard resist.
 Finished and embellished with the dried Melaeuca leave.
 Front cover of mirrow prints of maple leaves 
 Yellow daisy prints
Subtle and vintage look
 That's why I thought to make a vintage little book
 Marks of Melaleuca are wonderful
Mogi asked, "it's a sunny day, any news? "
 "Oh, yeah, mum's showing me something?"
 "What? mum done this little book?  Hummmm.....still got the fragrance of leaves.... "
 "Got something of me?"
 "Mum's crazy!!??"
 I'm not crazy, I'm imaginative. I want to make use of everything.  I love nature, I love leaves, I love wool felt, I love crafting.......
This little book may be a wrap up of my work after decades with the memories of working environment and workmates, also a new chapter to mark my fabulous ways of life next....
這小本子許是我的職場總結, 記載著我工作環境的花草與同事的點滴, 也會是我往後展開豐盛創作的 新一頁……
Linking with HappyHousProjects
Linking with TheD.I.Y. Dreamer
Linking with Debbiedoo's Newbie Graduates


  1. Beautiful book and I love that you used Mogi's fur! Looks like she has plenty to share!

  2. Terriea--What a marvelous creation!! How wonderful that you've now begun dyeing paper, too. It's an heirloom book...especially since you've included your pretty cat's fur! Beautifully done, as always...and special! XO-

  3. Maybe if you used a silk based paper you would get the reddish colour?

    1. That's a good suggestion to try on silk paper. Thanks.

  4. Exceptionally creative are YOU! Love the weaving/felting in of your Mogi's "fluff!". Very nice Terrie . . .

  5. What a great tutorial. My cat's hair is long and soft. The birds snag it when they can and carry it away to add to their nests.

    1. How useful is your cat's hair for bird's sweet home!

  6. Lovely work,, Terrie. Mogi is not quite sure what you have in mind! Nice tutorial also.

    1. James, your paper prints are awesome. I do hope I could make as pretty as yours. I have queries on mordant of soda. I tried soaked silk fabric in the diluted soda water then wrapped a can to steam. It come out some bubbles and pushed the pot lid. I wondered if that washing soda is not for mordant. Also prints come out no different with non-mordant. Could I know what sort of sodar should be used?
      I tried to post comments on your blog but never succeed the "words verification" though correct typing. Thanks in advance for your advice

  7. oh terrie this is amazing, its beautiful just beautiful.

  8. Beautiful workxx knew once you started eco-dyeing you would be hooked!x lynda

  9. Great idea and a wonderful book. Thanks a lot for the tutorial.
    Liebe Grüsse

  10. Wow. You are imaginative, indeed, and I am sure Mogi thinks so too! As always such lovely and fascinating work, Terrie! And as James says, great tutorial; good for a beginner like me.. Interesting about the cinerea not printing orange on the paper; is 'conqueror paper" a special kind? I think some people in found, Stitched Dyed posting on FB have mentioned different results with paper. Thanks always for your fine postings!

    1. Thanks Ginny, the fb group "Found Sitiched Dyed" is a great platform to share. "Conqueror Paper" is a decent kind of letter head paper. Those were the abandoned of former company. Good to make use of them. Congrats on your exhibitation in Canada.

  11. What a wonderful and exceptional book. I love it and especially that you used Mog's hair. It must be so special to me, and who cares if you are a bit crazy, aren't we all?:))

  12. Absolutely wonderful!! and not strange at all that you used Mogi's fur! This is just so fantastic... another fabulous creation!!

    1. Thanks MaryL. Your new piece of Hedgehog Signature Book is a great one. I tried to put on comments but never succeed the word verification.

  13. Terrie, how creative! have you ever thought to use this sort of crafty idea to make pictures to hang on your walls? I love it, and your Mogi makes me laugh, he is so curious.
    (((HUGS))) Susanne :)

  14. It looks like Mogi's afraid he's about to get a haircut! Beautiful papers and book cover, too!

  15. It is a lovely lovely book!! if I were Mogi I would be wondering what´s next...;)

  16. Terrie, this is a fabulous book. You are so creative and I love all that you do. Thanks for sharing with the party!

  17. That's really lovely, Terrie! Thanks so much for sharing - I'd like to try making one. Your cat is very beautiful, too! I love kitties!

  18. Thank you all my dear for your sweet comments. I tried to visit your blog and post comments but some have word verification that I never succeed though correct in typing. No clue. Hope you know I've visited you and appreciate your works.

  19. Terri you are very clever, your book turned out beautifully :)

  20. that's a lovely project, Terrie - and Mogie is a beautiful cat, it's precious when you use her fibres.

  21. So Pretty!!!! I love your blog. So inspiring. Rhonda

  22. So lovely idea...thanks for sharing..one step more on my way to eco-printing!
