

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Sneak peek for workshop 製作小窺

Invited by the Hong Kong Design Institute to run the nuno felt workshop in Sept, I've to experiment the fabrics and make these samples. 
 This workshop  is the first ever organised by the Institute. Wet wool felt is not quite popular in Hong Kong as most of the year is hot and humid but we do have a few cool and chilly months.  The nuno felt tecniques can be applied to make all-season wearable art.  A lightweight chiffon summer top is airy and a scarf with a little bit raw fleece is warm enough in the winter days.  My nuno felt workshop highlights are  textural surface, eco and using minimal tools.  A summer chiffon top is going to be taught.
日前我測試物料及製作了這兩件樣品,    為的是「香港知專設計學院」九月份開辦的「嶄新混絲戟絨工作坊」作準備   香港天氣潮濕悶熱但仍有幾個月清涼甚或寒冷的日子, 因此我以羊毛混絲製作了夏日輕爽雪紡上衣及秋冬合用的羊毛混絲被肩.  課程重點是著顯製成品的表面獨特質感 並以環保、 物盡其用及少工具的製作法完成。  
 This is made of crinkle chiffon, wool connected waistlines and rope. No sewing is required.
 Textural surface is what I wanted.  The brownish are my own dyed silk scraps with leaves.

 This scarf base is chiffon, also the brownish silk is own dyed.
With a little bit raw fleece of white and brown, this shawl is warm enough.

The eco print silk scraps and natural wool are matching the theme of "Eco". 
 My Ooak -   "one of a kind" piece.
  Nuno felt is new to Hong Kong, I hope this will bring out the creativity of the versatile medium of wool to make wearable art.
Linking with HappyHourProjects


  1. oh Terrie how exciting, this is wonderful, best of luck on this adventure, you are so talented and people will be so privileged to have you share your skill, thank you for the kind words on my blog,

  2. Terrie, congratulations! I'm sure those who attend will benefit from the workshop! :-)

  3. How exciting to be asked to run a workshop! You do such beautiful work. People who will attend are very lucky to have you teach them your beautiful skill.

  4. How perfectly wonderful and very fitting that you should run this workshop...and I'm quite sure, many more to come! Your work is exquisite and your kind, patient nature will be a fantastic match to really encourage others to step out and discover and really enjoy this art!! Congratulations Terrie!! :)

  5. What a wonderful opportunity. You will be such a great teacher. I'm looking forward to hearing all about it!!

  6. How exciting, Terriea!!! You are such a wonderful and patient teacher, I know that your class will be well-attended and go a long way toward encouraging feltmaking in your area!

  7. It looks lovely - well done indeed! I'm sure the class will go well.

  8. Oh I bet you are excited to be doing this workshop and helping others to love your magic work with fabric and all the other materials you use to make such lovely wearable and decorative things. Congratulations to you and I can't wait to see what all you bring back from this experience.
    Good luck friend,
    (((HUGS))) Susanne :)

  9. You did a beautiful job. I have a link party on Wednesdays, and I would love it if you would link this post. It is called Wednesdays Adorned From Above Link Party.
    I hope to see you there. Have a great Day.
    Debi Bolocofsky
    Adorned From Above

  10. Thank you all my dear. Your comments are sweet and encouraging.
