

Friday, July 13, 2012

A painting or just a bag? 是畫也是袋子?

A wool felt painting

  Or a gift pack?
 Can you advise me what to do with this?

Recently I like to do wool painting.  I referred to the collection of the renowned contemporary Chinese painter Wu Guan Zhong (吳冠中) and made this.

 Wu Guan Zhong is one of the best known Chinese painters.
 I love his paintings of natural scenery, simple but powerful abstract forms.

 Steps of wool felt painting side one

1. First laid  wool to make a bag with foam resist; 
2.  Wet with soap water, laid the prefelt of houses with needle to "paint"; 
3. Semi "painted" houses ; 
4. Finally put on trees, grasses and do the rubbing and felting;
5. That's the look but I can't nor intended to do the same as original.
 The other side I intended to make it differently with the theme of "sky, cloud and sea". I put the white silk scrap to make the nuno felt as cloud and enclosed a shell.  After all finished I opened to show the shell.
 Two sided bag

 What to do with this bag? Just as a painting put aside?

 Or a bag for toiletries?

Or put a glass inside to make it as a vase?
Anyway, this is a practice of wool painting and bag making.


  1. Beautiful work Terrie and it is very much like the photo!

  2. oh Terrie, this is just amazing, your painting skills on this wool are incredible, I have a calendar with this fellows paintings, he is a very talented man, I think you are fortunate to be able to use this as a bag, a vase or art, its a multi faceted piece as well as multi purpose~ you can change your mind daily if you wish!

    1. Thanks Laurie. Your paintings are awesome. They do inspiring me.

  3. Whatever you decide to call it...I'll just call it beautiful! You are so talented!

  4. All your ideas for its use sound good; You could also use it as a small handbag and show off the painting to more people, right!? I do enjoy your blog posts and will look forward to seeing what other paintings you make that are inspired by Wu Guan Zhong.

    1. Thank you Ginny for your idea. I may attach a rope to make it a should bag. Thanks for stopping by.

  5. Beautiful work!Warm greetings:)

  6. Terriea--It's a lovely project. I like how you enjoy having multiple 'looks' to each of your projects. It's so much fun to turn it around, and voila...a very different appearance! The secret shell is great, too, and I really love your closure!! Sometime, you should show us how you did it! :) XXO-

    1. Thanks Heather. Did you ask the closure of a shell? I just put it in the middle of the layer, put some more wool over the shell. After felted, cut it a little open and rub to full. The shell I picked in the beach near my studio. Doing sometime with it is fun.

    2. I was wondering about the cord that you put to tie the top closed.
      Did you felt it in or make a cord and stitch it in after the bag was finished?
      Did you make a buttonhole on one side of the bag or felt a hole or cut a hole? XXO-

    3. Oh ya, the cord was separately felted and stitched on the other side before I put on lining. A small hole was cut on the lining fabric to let the cord coming out (so it looks hide). Then through the other side and coming out. Heather, hope my explanation is clear.

  7. The painting is wonderful Terrie. Use it however you wish.

  8. Your wool paintings are so beautiful! I love your pictures of the area surrounding Hong Kong, too :)

  9. All three ideas would work well!!! A beautiful work!!!

  10. This is another beautiful piece you've painted!

  11. Wow,wow,wow!!!!! This is incredibly beautiful!! You have certainly entered the realm of 'wall hangings or framed art'!! The bag is gorgeous but perhaps at this stage, bags are 'beneath' what this artwork deserves?? Fantastic!

  12. That is beautiful! I tried doing some felt landscapes a couple weeks ago so now I can really appreciate the skill required for something like this!

  13. How thrilling and how beautiful this is truly a work of art! I could see how well you captured the little houses and the tree and surrounding landscape on your pretty bag. That would have even made pretty pillows for on your bed or couch. Hope you continue to WOW us with more lovely things. Red poppies would be nice too, or cherry blossoms, so many things from nature to give one ideas of what to do.
    (((HUGS))) Susanne :)

    1. Thank you susanne. You're sweet. Yes, nature is fountain of inspiration. I love poppies so much. Good idea to do with it or other flowers.

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  15. I LOVE your fibre painting Terrie! This is such a peaceful scene, and (as always) beautifully felted..
