

Saturday, June 30, 2012

To my surprise prints 驚喜的效果

 Doing eco print is always challenging me.  I've no patience and always want to unbundle after 1 or 2 days.  Before my last long trip to Portugal I wrapped a silk fabric with wild yellow daisies and other leaves around a can. That could only allowed me to open after 20 days on my return. 
 Unbundled it, to my surprise ......
 the yellow marks......
..... and some different prints of rust marks, leaves prints...

 Quite nice prints to my expectation
 I love this
 Rust + iron + yellow daisies + PATIENCE .......
 Loving it.  Is this what we call "subtle look" ?
 Back home after 20 days holiday and should back to track (but my mind is still away !) Today I walked up the hill behind my apartment just to find some wild daisies to do again the prints.  Found the stream running after heavy rain yesterday.  Freshed me up.............
 Picked these wild daisies and wrapped around a can with other leaves from Corrina's eucalyptus and Jan's maple leaves.
Bundled it and put inside a bigger can.   Now boiled for 45 minutes and stayed in a thermo pot.  Will see how it looks later.  When?  How my patience will stand?


  1. The 20 day eco dying looked amazing like you I am not sure I would have the patience if I had to look at it every day but definately a good idea to set something up before going away on holiday - I think I will try it.

  2. Wow, great colors! Patience is not a virtue of mine either! I see a face in that print...two eyes and a nose...Beautiful work as always Terrie!

  3. This is such a great find! Thinking of all the possibility and more projects with the bright yellow colors! I 'll bet you will definitely be more busier than ever and we will have more surprise to see!

  4. The first Queen Elizabeth of England is reputed to have said that if one really wants something, if it is important, one will know how to be patient and let time pass. Maybe a good thought for all of us crafters!

  5. oh my gosh thats beautiful!!! What a prize, maybe you could do this again, only give it to someone for safe keeping, to stop you from becoming impatient!!!
    It truly is lovely, so is Mogli,,

  6. That is soooo beautiful!!! Amazing... the leaf prints are fantastic! :)

  7. You will now have to take another vacation so that your work in progress does not meet with impatient hands that want to undo all your hard work, lol. Look how lovely all that waiting paid off, and how beautiful the material you now have. I can not wait to see what you make from this latest master piece!
    (((HUGS))) Susanne :)

  8. IT IS GORGEOUS! I love the modern combo of grey and yellow as it is, but to see it in an organic print is even more refreshing!

  9. Ah, patience. I've heard about that! beautiful results..and I always do enjoy seeing your work..the Portugal experience sounds so marvelous in every way, too!

  10. That is super Terrie!~ I really love the end result. You are so creative. Have a great day!

  11. Your eco dyeing has inspired me! I am going to try it while we have lots of wildflowers around. I really enjoy your blog :)

  12. Stunning as always Terriea, I LOVE that yellow!!!

  13. Terrie,
    Your work is stunningly beautiful. Did you spray the can or the silk with anything once wrapped? I want to try this one out, it is so pretty. Thanks so much for all the information you share on your blog. I really enjoy reading it all.

  14. Thanks Linda. For this experiment I didn't spray anything but sometime I'd spray vinegar to speed up but as this was wrapped long till open after my trip, some 20 days. I was afraid iron would "eat the fabric". That would be a waste.

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